Answer these questions about Ancient Rome:

  1. Who switched places during the 'Saturnalia'?

2. What substance was used to wash clothes in Ancient Rome? They used the same liquid to whiten their teeth, by the way, that liquid from Hispania was really appreciated. 

3. What did Romans use to clean themselves after pooping, and shared it with everyone?

4. Ancient Rome had a 4-story-tall shopping mall with 150 shops and offices. Which emperor ordered to build it?

5. Which Roman author, who wrote the first Encyclopedia, Natural History, died during the eruption of a volcano? Which volcano?

6. Who was Spartacus?

7. What is the origin of the word 'testificar'?

8. What does the abbreviation SPQR stand for? You can find this abbreviation on many Roman statues, buildings and military standards.

9. What was the name of this object? What was it used for?

10. Who was Attis? How did he die? What should the Attis and "his lover"'s priests should do in a yearly ritual?


  1. 1
    2. Urine.

  2. Jesús Segovia 2°B28 March 2017 at 11:25

    3)Vara de madera con esponja
    5)plinio el viejo, vesubio
    6)Un esclavo que lidero una revuelta contra los amos
    7)Testis significa testigo
    8)Senatus populusque romanus: El senado y el pueblo de Roma
    9)Se usaba para el ostracismo para controlar el poder de los tiranos. Los expulsaban. Se llama ostrakon
    10)Atis era el amante de Cibeles y se castro a si mismo porque se volvió loco

  3. Luis Arcas Morcillo 2º ED30 March 2017 at 08:56

    Hello, here are my answers:
    1º The ones who switched places during the "Saturnalia" were the slaves and their owners.
    2º Ancient Rome's population used urine for either washing their clothes and making them brighter or for making their teeth whiter.
    3º For cleaning themselves after pooping, Romans used a large sea-sponge in a large stick called "spongia"
    4º The emperor who ordered to build that "shopping centre" was Trajan.
    5º The Roman author who died during the eruption of the Vesubio was Pliny the Elder.
    6º Spartacus was a bad-treated gladiator that escaped with other two hundred gladiators, who later formed an army for fighting against the Roman one."
    7º It has an uncertain origin, most of the professionals say that it comes from the words "testis" (witness) and facere (do). However, the most popular one says that it comes from the word "testiculus" (testicles) because Roman people declared to the judge hanging their sensitive part with their right hand, what is similar for us is to put a hand on the Holy Bible.
    8º That abbreviation stands for the Rome's Republic's motto: "Senatus Populus Que Romanus".
    9º The name of the object showed on the picture is a "ostracon". It was used for voting about the fact of banning a citizen of the city. You wrote the name of the person and if it had many votes, this one would be exiled for ten years.
    10º Attis was a "hero" (mythological meaning), lover of Cybele. He died because he got out of his mind and cut his testicles. Attis and Cybele's priests celebrated every year a special week event. They cut down a pine and they carried it to the temple. There, Romans gave cult to it, putting ornaments around it and praying for Attis resurrection.

  4. 1-
    2 orina
    3palo de madera con esponja
    5 pilinio monte vesubio
    6 fue un esclavo , que dirigio la rebelion contra la republica romana
    7 viene de testigo , que era la persona que queria contar algo y jurando y agarrandose los testiculos . si mentian se los cortaban
    8senatus populus romanus
    9era la diosa cibeles la diosa de la madre tierra
    are very difficult !

  5. Alba Carnicero Ruiz - 2ºD1 April 2017 at 08:21

    1. "Saturnalia" was an important Roman celebration. The feast was celebrated with a sacrifice in the Temple of Saturn and the exchange of presents. It was a holiday like Christmas and Carnival at the same time, and Christianity was trying to replace it.
    The first was held from 17 to 23 December. During “Saturnalia”, slaves were often freed from their duties. Later, this party was replaced by the Church, which coincided in those dates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. At the end, the pagan customs passed to New Year's Day, being finally assimilated by the Christian festival that today is known as “Christmas Day”.
    2. The Romans used urine to wash their clothes. They let the urine "stand" until it became ammonia, a substance that is used nowadays in cleaning products. After a few days, the resulting liquid was mixed with water to wash clothes.
    3. At that time, instead of paper, Romans cleaned themselves after pooping with a sponge (often, literally, extracted from the sea) tied to one end of a stick. It is said that these sponges were public; and in the case of the poorest people, they cleaned with their hand.
    4. Trajan (Trajano), a Roman emperor ordered to build that 4-story-tall shopping mall.
    5. Gaius Plinius Secundus (better known as Pliny the Elder, “Plinio el Viejo”), was a Roman author that wrote the first Encyclopedia, Natural History.
    Pliny the Elder died on 25th August, AD 79, while attempting the rescue by ship of a friend and his family in Stabiae from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which had just destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
    6. Spartacus was the head of a slave rebellion in Rome, between the years 73 BC and 71 BC. Refugee in the area of the Vesuvius, he form a true army, that got to have more than 70,000 men. Finally, in 71 BC, Spartacus died in a battle.
    7. It is said that the Romans, when they were in a tribunal, they exposed their commitment to say only the truth by squeezing their testicles with their right hand; so that they ensured the truthfulness of their testimony by touching this delicate part of the male anatomy.
    8. SPQR is the abbreviation of the Latin phrase Senātus Populusque Rōmānus ('The Senate and the Roman people'). It refers to the government of the ancient Roman Republic, and is now used as an official emblem of the city of Rome.
    9. This is a “ostracon” or “ostrakon”, that is a piece of ceramic on which was written the name of a ostracized citizen (that is, the punishment that force the citizens that were considered suspicious or dangerous for the city to go away from it).
    10. Attis was Cibeles’ husband. He was a young man castrated and associated with rituals of male sexual mutilation. It is said that Cibeles was born of the semen of Zeus, fallen to the ground as a consequence of an erotic dream while Zeus was sleeping, so Cibeles had male and female sexual organs.

    The legend said that when Gods knew that Cibeles was hermaphrodite, they castrated male genitals to her and from them was born the god Attis. He became such a handsome boy, and Cibeles fell in love with him. She fears that he would marry another girl, so instilled in him the madness that made him castrate himself, which caused him death.
    The birth of Attis was celebrated in Rome on March 21. The feasts of Attis were celebrated in Rome from March 15 to 27. Throughout them certain rituals and ceremonies were carried out with which the principal acts of the life of this god-man were reproduced: birth, emasculation, death and resurrection.

  6. Borja Luzón Martínez
    2.The water
    4.Julius Caessar
    5.I dont now
    6.A roman King Wash a gladiator
    7.testificar in The comitias
    8.Is a su bola of The architecture
    9.Cuenco it was usted for aplastate Food
    10.Is diosa cibeles People from real Madrid goes here when it is a tittle to celebrate

  7. Isabel Patiño / 2º C-D2 April 2017 at 09:37

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  8. Isabel Patiño / 2º C-D2 April 2017 at 09:38

    1. Who switched places during the 'Saturnalia'?
    Augusto Calígula
    2. What substance was used to wash clothes in Ancient Rome? They used the same liquid to whiten their teeth, by the way, that liquid from Hispania was really appreciated.
    The urin.

    3. What did Romans use to clean themselves after pooping, and shared it with everyone?
    For lack of soap they were using oils and compounds of soda and instead of sponges they were using arched.
    4. Ancient Rome had a 4-story-tall shopping mall with 150 shops and offices. Which emperor ordered to build it?
    Julio Cesar Octavio Augusto.
    5. Which Roman author, who wrote the first Encyclopedia, Natural History, died during the eruption of a volcano? Which volcano?
    Gayo Plinio Segundo known as Plinio Old. The empción of the Vesuvius that buried Pompeya and Herculano.
    6. Who was Spartacus?
    He was a slave tracio, that directed the most important rebalión against the Roman Republic in italic soil. (Known as the third servile war, war of the slaves or gena of the Gladiators)
    7. What is the origin of the word 'testificar'?
    To testify comes from witness and this one in turn comes from the former Iberian "testiguar". Compound of testis (witness) and facera (haec)
    8. What does the abbreviation SPQR stand for? You can find this abbreviation on many Roman statues, buildings and military standards.
    The senate and the Roman people.
    9. What was the name of this object? What was it used for?
    Ostracon, piece of clay used for the votings.
    10. Who was Attis? How did he die? What should the Attis and "his lover"'s priests should do in a yearly ritual?
    semigod son and lover of Cibeles. It was drained because I cut the testicles.The renaissance, since to the being a God was following alive way.

  9. mario valero , are the soluctions in englis and the number 12 April 2017 at 11:14

    1-slaves and lords
    2 urine
    3 wooden sponge
    5 pilinio monte vesuvius
    6 was a slave, that directed the rebellion vs the Roman republic
    7 comes from witness, who was the person who wanted to tell something and swearing and grabbing the testicles. If they lied they would cut them
    8senatus populus romanus
    9a the goddess cibeles the goddess of mother earth
    Are very difficult!

  10. 2. they utilised urine.
    3. they used sponges to clean their parts
    5. Was pilinio the old and was in the Vesubio vulcan.
    6. Was a thracian slave who, according to roman sources, led the most important rebellion against the roman republic on the italic soil.
    7. testificar is composed of testis and ficar. As a curiosity, testicle comes from testiculus, composed of testis and culus, so the testicles are the little witnesses.
    8. Senatus Populusque Romanus.
    9. Agma Ostrakon Thémistocle.
    10. He was the lover of the god Cibeles. He died because of the teeth of a pig. Blood of their priests and novices worship

  11. 1 –Slaves and lords
    3- Lacking paper, the instrument in question was a wooden stick with a sponge
    4 -Trajano was the emperor who had it built
    5- Plinly the Enler dead in the Mont Vesuvius
    6.He was a slave tracio that, according to Roman sources, directed the most important revolt against the Roman Republic in italic soil
    7 In Roma epoch there did not exist Bible or anything similar to place the hand as a sign of oath at the moment of speaking in the judgments, for what one tells him that the men were taking the hand to themselves to his testicles to countersign that what they were saying it was true. This way, the word 'testicles' (witness) might come from the union of 'testis' and 'culus' (suffix that was used like diminutively in Latin)
    8- SPQR is an acrónimo of the Latin phrase Senatus Populusque Romanus (' The Senate and the Roman People ')
    10- Atis was the lover of cibeles. Atis went mad because of Cibeles and was gelded to yes same.

  12. Maria Olmeda Barriga 2° C/D3 April 2017 at 13:04

    1- The slaves and masters
    2- They used the urine
    3- One runs aground of wood with a sponge
    4- Trajano
    5- Pliny the Elder, he died in the Vesuvius volcano
    6- Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator, who was one of the escaped slave leaders in the third servile war, a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic
    7- His origin corresponds to that the Romans swearing to tell the truth narrowing the testicles with the right hand, compromising so sensitive part if they were lying
    8- It means "The Senate and the Roman People"
    10- Attis was the consort of Cybele in Phrygian and Greek mythology.

  13. 1.
    2.the urine. The garo is a fish sauce prepared with fermented fish viscera
    3. A wooden stick with a sponge. Was of public use
    5.plinio el viejo.El vesubio
    6.was a slave who directed the most important rebellion against the republic
    7. comes from the term testis (witness) and facere (to do)
    8.Is an acronym of the Latin phrase senatus populusque romanus which means the town of roma
    10.It was the lover of Cibeles, and the driver of the chariot with lions led him to give him a javelin. Main acts of the vide of this god


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