When told that starving French peasants lacked any bread to eat, the queen is alleged to have declared, “Let them eat cake!”. There is no evidence, however, that Marie Antoinette ever uttered that famous quote, she would have shown a terrible out-of-touch and indifference. 

a) Could you investigate who else was thought to have said this sentence?
b) For how long didn't Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI consummate their marriage?
c) What has to do "La belle poule" with Marie Antoinette?

Let's leave Marie Antoinette alone. And try to guess:

d) Which revolutionary French doctor and journalist was killed in his bathtub? Who killed him?
e) During the Convention, France had a new calendar, could you tell me your birthday date with that calendar?


  1. Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 4ºA28 October 2015 at 13:53

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  2. Andrea Saiz 4ºB31 October 2015 at 13:59

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  3. Eduardo García Segovia1 November 2015 at 01:52

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  4. Coral Segovia / 4º B1 November 2015 at 12:19

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  5. Javier Rubio Mainez 4ºB1 November 2015 at 12:48

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  6. María del Mar Murado Villaseñor 4A1 November 2015 at 14:45

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  7. Enrique Alcázar 4ºA2 November 2015 at 07:32

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  8. Eduardo García Segovia2 November 2015 at 08:26

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  10. Antonio Cano Meneses 4ºB2 November 2015 at 13:54

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  11. Mario Ovejero 4ºB2 November 2015 at 14:20

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  12. Miguel Moya Cano 4ºB2 November 2015 at 14:48

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  13. Antonio Cano Meneses / 4º A2 November 2015 at 15:38

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  14. Coral Segovia / 4º B2 November 2015 at 15:40

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  16. Alejandro Mesas / 4·C23 October 2016 at 13:55

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  17. Luis Paños Cuenca 4ºC24 October 2016 at 07:33

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  20. A) The famous sentence appears too in the book of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions his autobiography.
    B) For along 7 years.
    C) 'La belle poule' was the hairstyle of Marie Antoiniette in the opening ceremony of the Opera.
    D) Marat was assassinated by Charlotte Corday, a Girondin sympathizer, while taking a medicinal bath for his debilitating skin condition.
    E) My birth date was in Frimario.

  21. Alejandro Lopez Herrera 4ºB1 November 2017 at 12:13

    A/There is an old legend that put the words in the mouth of Maria Teresa of Austria, consort of Luis XIV, as Luis XVIII himself corroborated later in his memoirs.

    B/Marie Antoinette married Louis XVI and her marriage was not consummated for seven years. Marie was willing, but the king had a problem: He had been diagnosed with phimosis, what he does is have very painful sexual relationships. It took an operation to correct the condition, but the king did not want the surgery. It is not known if Luis had the operation, but the marriage was finally consummated.

    C/Unusual hairstyle that was invented in the time of Marie Antoinette and that made her fashionable.

    D/Jean-Paul Marat, that was a French scientist and doctor who did a large part of his career in the United Kingdom, but who turned out to be better known as an activist, journalist and politician during the French Revolution.
    He identified with the left wing of the Revolution, the Jacobins. Charlotte Corday was the person who killed him.

    E/From February 19 to March 20, I am windy (from the winds)

  22. Álvaro Mondéjar Hortelano.
    a) Maria Teresa of Austria, consort of luis XIV and Ana of Austria, mother of Luis XV.
    b) 7 years before of his wedding, with 21 years.
    c) She appeared in a dance with a boat on top of hairstyle that represented "la belle poule".
    d) Jean Paul Marat, he was killed by Charlotte Corday.
    e) 29 fructidor.

  23. Julia Moya Godoy 4ºB4 November 2017 at 08:21

    a)Some hold the thesis that these words had been proclaimed almost 100 years before by Maria Teresa of Spain, the wife of Louis XIV
    b)His marriage not consummated remained for 7 years
    c)Marie Antoinette turned Rose Bertin into her official seamstress
    d)Jean-Paul Marat. Charlotte Corday
    e)28 de Pradial de 2002

  24. Javier Girón Hortelano4 November 2017 at 08:59

    a) Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
    b) For seven years.
    c) It was one of the hairstyles of Marie Antoinette.
    d) Jean-Paul Marat. Charlotte Corday killed him.
    e) 29th Thermidor (16 de Agosto).

    Javier Girón Hortelano 4ºB

  25. Alicia Cuélliga López5 November 2017 at 09:38

    a)María Teresa de Austria, wife of Luis XVI.
    b)Until seven years later.
    c)La Belle Poule was a kind of boat or sailboat of the British fleet. The relation that María Antonieta had got with it, was that she appear in a court dance with this ship on her head as a hairstyle.
    d)The man who was killed in his bathtub was Jean-Paul Marat and his murdered was Charlotte Corday.
    e)My birthday on this calendar would be "Maïs of Fructidor"

  26. A.Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    B.7 years
    C.Maria Antonieta had a hatbox that was based on different events to create new hairstyles and one of them was related to a new boat called la belle poule.
    D.Jean-Paul Marat and was killed by Charlotte Corday.
    E.The loutre of thermidor.(25 of july)

  27. Teresa Rubio / 4º B5 November 2017 at 13:43

    1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
    2. For seven years.
    3. It was one of the hairstyles of Marie Antoinette.
    4. Jean-Paul Marat. Charlotte Corday killed him.
    5. 9 of floreal.


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