These days in "Saber y Ganar" they are commemorating their 30 anniversary. And in the duel they are also celebrating the 100 anniversary of the Russian Revolution, so let's do the same! 

1) Bloody Sunday or Red Sunday is the name given to the events of Sunday 22nd 1905, in St Petersburg, Russia, when unarmed demonstrators were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Guard as they marched towards the Winter Palace to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. 

They were led by Georgy Gapon. What was Georgy Gapon's profession?
a) He was a general.
b) He was a lawyer.
c) He was an orthodox priest.
d) He was a landowner.

2) The Russian battleship Potemkin was a pre-dreadnought battleship built for the Imperial Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet. It became famous when the crew rebelled against the officers in June 1905 (during that year's revolution), which is now viewed as a first step towards the Russian Revolution of 1917. The mutiny later formed the basis of Sergei Eisenstein's 1925 silent film The Battleship Potemkin. Why did the mutiny in the Battleship Potemkin begin?
a) The meat served to the crew was rotten.
b) An officer had slapped a sailor, Matyushenko.
c) Lenin was on the battleship and he led the mutiny.
d) The sailors were angry because the Czar hadn't given them a medal.

Look at it around 2:07...

In that movie (The battleship Potemkin) you can see one of the most famous sequence in the cinema history. Let's see it and answer the question below:

 What happened to the baby at the end?
Do you know more movies where you can see sequences based on this one? Tell me two.

3) January 1917, the old and tyrannic Russia was being defeating in the First World War.

People couldn't resist the hunger because of the war and the compulsory levies. The unhappiness was terrible. There were drastic changes with the two revolutions of 1917. In the first one, workers, peasants and soldiers overthrew the Czar; in the second one,
October 1917, the Bolshevik took the control. In February 1917, more than 200,000 demonstrated in front of the Winter Palace. 
After that, Lenin said a famous sentence, choose the right answer...

a) After the calm, the revolutionary storm will bright.
b) 1905 will come back
c) To be able to wait to be able to win
d) Until the decisive victory.


  1. 1.- c) Georgy Gapon was an orthodox priest.
    2.- a) The meat served to the crew was rotten.
    The baby went downstairs because his/her mother had been shot. You can see this sequence for example in "The Godfather" or in "The Untouchables".
    3.- b) 1905 will come back.


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