Answer these questions about different issues in Ancient Rome:

a) What was the most common coin in Ancient Rome?
b) How could a slave become free in Ancient Rome?
c) What was the name of the earliest law written in Ancient Rome?
d) How do you access an Ancient Rome temple?
e) How did the Romans use art to decorate their homes?
f) What was an equestrian portrait?
g) What do you think the stepping stones you can see in the picture were for?

h) What were the thermopolia?
i) What was the hypocaust?


  1. a) It was the sestertius.
    b)With their own death, with the death of their master, in whose will they used to free their slaves, buying their freedom and by declaration before a magistrate.
    c)The law of the 12 tables.
    d)The temple was accessed by an earlier staircase or podium.
    e)With mosaics.
    f)A statue of a man riding a horse.
    g)Are from the city of Pompeii.
    h)Was a commercial establishment where you could buy ready-to-eat food.
    i)Was the floor heating system.

  2. Alba Carnicero Ruiz - 2ºD5 March 2017 at 04:36

    a) What was the most common coin in Ancient Rome?
    The most common coin in Ancient Rome was the silver denarius.
    b) How could a slave become free in Ancient Rome?
    In Ancient Rome, the slaves were considered objects, not people. Slaves could be the property of individual citizens or of the state. They could become free by buying their freedom. Slave owners could also free their slaves. This was called manumission. So, these slaves became part of a new social group: the freedmen, a group very active in the conomy, working mainly as artisans and merchants.
    c) What was the name of the earliest law written in Ancient Rome?
    The Law of the Twelve Tables (451 B.C) was the earliest law written in Ancient Rome.
    d) How do you access an Ancient Rome temple?
    The Roman temples were similar to Greek temples, but also had some new Roman elements; for example, they could only be entered from one side.
    e) How did the Romans use art to decorate their homes?
    Wealthy Roman families lived in a "domus". The rooms went around an interior courtyard (atrium). Banquets were held in the triclinium, and cubicula were the bedrooms. The tablinum was the place where the dominus received visits, and they had a garden sorrounded by columns (peristilum).
    f) What was an equestrian portrait?
    An equestrian portrait was a statue of a rider mounted on a horse. For example "The equestrian statue of Marco Aurelio".
    g) What do you think the stepping stones you can see in the picture were for?
    Those stepping stones could be a "pedestrian crossing". The pedestrian crossings allowed controlling the speed of the cars, because when they approaching the steps, they had to reduce the speed to square the wheels and follow their way.
    h) What were the thermopolia?
    In Ancient Rome, the thermopolia was a commercial establishment where Roman could buy "ready-to-eat" foods. It could be the ancestor of the current restaurants. These places served mainly the poor or people who couldn't afford a private kitchen,.
    i) What was the hypocaust?
    The hypocaust was the system of heating of the ground, invented or perfected by the Roman engineer Cayo Sergio Orata and used mainly in the baths of the Roman Empire.

  3. Carlota García Cuélliga 2ºD.5 March 2017 at 07:30

    a)the silver denarius b)slaves could become free by buying their freedom c)the law of the Twelve Tables d)they could only be entered from one side e)the paintings decorated the homes of wealthy Roman families, these paintings were realistic, expressive frescoes showing scenes of daily life f)Are a subgenus of the portrait to which the representation of a horse with the figure of the portrayed is consubstantial, especially in a scene of mounts g) Allowed other pedestrians to cross the streets of cities when it rained heavily, without impeding the circulation of the cars
    h)Was a commercial establishment where you could buy ready-to-eat food i)Was the floor heating system.

  4. a aureo denario sestercio dupondio y as
    b pagando una suma de dinero
    c la ley de las doce tablas
    e con ladrillos piedrecitas etc
    f es una imagen el la que van montados en caballos
    g era un muro o algo por el estilo o estatuas
    h eran los fast food de la epoca de los romanos
    i era el suelo radiante que daba calor en el suelo para calertarse

  5. Luis Arcas Morcillo 2º ED6 March 2017 at 10:48

    Hi everyone,

    Here are my answers:

    a) The most common coin in Ancient Rome was the "silver denarius"
    b) A slave could become free if he paid for it or their owner gave him the freedom.
    c) The earliest law in Rome was the Law of the Twelve Tables, imposed in 451 B.C.
    d) You can only acess by a main door, not like the Greek ones.
    e) They used techniques like painting the walls or the mosaics.
    f) A equestrian portrait is a painting in which the person was riding a horse.
    g) I think they were used for making the road more comfortable and flat.
    h) The thermopolia were places where you could arrange for prepared food.It is considered as the antecesors of the restaurants nowadays.
    i) It was a heating system Romans used for heating the floor and the walls by transporting hot air through some interior tubes.

  6. borja luzon martinez
    a.The silver denarius
    b.Buying his liberty
    c.Slaves are objects no persons
    d.You cannot access because there were lots of walls
    e.Inspiring in the greece culture
    f.Was a shape of construct the temples
    g.Construct the streets and acueducts

  7. Alejandro García 2ºD7 March 2017 at 11:36

    A) The most common coin was the denario.
    B) Two types: if they paid his free or if his lider died.
    C) There was plinio el joven.
    D) you enter in temple by the door.
    E) Some of them do mosaicos but other vasijas.
    F) There was a figure of a person riding a horse.
    G) I think that they ara put here because water flow from here.
    H) There was a shop that you can buy hot food.
    I) There was a system of hotting the floor.


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