This will be our last Geography unit this course.

After watching it, answer these questions:

a) Which percentage of people in the world lives nowadays in urban areas?

b) Which percentage of people lived in urban areas a hundred years ago?

c) When and why did semi-permanent villages begin to be developped?

d) When did these settlements become permanent? Why?

e) Name some of the technologies that were developped in cities, linked to commerce?

f) Some cities in 2.000 B.C. had population densities very high, how high?

g) What did they build to protect the cities and defend them against attacks?

h) How cities need to change to accommodate the growth of population in the future?


  1. Alba Carnicero Ruiz - 2ºD12 February 2017 at 13:03

    a) Nowadays, more than half of all people in the world live in an urban area (about 50%).
    b) The same as nowadays.
    c) About 10.000 years ago, our ancestors began to develop semi-permanent villages because they learnt some secrets of selective breeding and agricultural techniques, so they don't have to search food anymore.
    d) About 5.000 years ago, these settlements become permanent because techniques like irrigation and soil tilling arrived.
    e) Carts, ships, roads and ports.
    f) Twice as high as that of Shangai or Calcutta.
    g) Walls.
    h) First, the world will need to search ways to provide adequate food, sanitation and education for all the people.
    Second, we mustn't damage the land that provides us goods and services that support the human population.
    Power will como from sources of renewable energy.
    Instead of single family homes, more residences will be built vertically.

  2. Luis Arcas Morcillo 2º ED14 February 2017 at 09:42

    Hi everyone, my answers are:

    a) More than the fifty percent of worldwide population.
    b) A hundred years ago, only 20% of people around the world lived in cities.
    c) Semi-permanent cities started developing in 10,000 B.C., aproximately. They raise because of the knowledge of agricultural techniques and the improve it made in human beings' live
    d) They appeared around 5,000 years ago, because of the discovery of irrigation. That meant people didn't have to move from time to time because the soil was exausted.
    e) Some advanced technologies at that time designed in cities were the carts, ships, roads and ports.
    f) Sometimes, population density of some cities in 2,000 B.C. could double the actual Shanghai and Calcutta ones.
    g) Cities built walls surrounding them in order to protect and defend from other cities' attacks.
    h) For accomodating the worldwide population's growth, cities should provide appropiate food, education and health insurance to everyone, apart from not modifying the natural landscape in an excessive way. Also, they should take advantage of renewable energies.

  3. a) more than four of ten
    b)only two of ten
    c)because the soil was cleaned
    d)i dont now
    e) the wool the cars etc
    f) twice
    g)columns or muros
    h) small cities

  4. a)More than half of the population.

    b)2 out of 10 people.

    c)About 10.000 years ago because they learned to cultivate.

    d)5.000 years ago because people could already rely on constant long-term food.

    e) Cars, ships, roads and ports.

    f) Almost twice as high as those of Calcutta or Shanghai.

    g) They built walls.

    h) Will need to look for methods to provide adequate food hygiene and education for all people, produce food in gardens, more renewable energy sources and homes with daily requirements.

  5. Carlota García Cuélliga 2ºD.18 February 2017 at 10:09

    a)More than a half about people in the world live in an urban area.
    b)A hundred years ago, only two all of ten people live in a city.
    c)About thousands of years ago.Because people began to learn a secret and they starting to do agricultural techniques.
    d)Five thousand years ago. Because the people stay in long times in the same place since they have techniques like irrigation and they don´t have to move to other places to obtain food.
    e)Cars,ships,roads and ports.
    f)Twice as high as population in Calcara.
    g)The city was surrounded by walls to defend against attacks.
    h)The world need to provided food,sanatation and adjudication for all people, do factories taht help the environment and don´t waste a lot of energy, the food production, do gardens and put it in city centers, the use of residences, and make buildings that contain everything that people need for their daily life.

  6. A mas de la mitad de todo el mundo
    B 2 de cada 10
    c poco antes de hace 5000 años por que ya no buscaba alimento , se cultibaba y se criaban animales
    D hace 5000 por que ya conducian el agua y se plantaba y no se tenia que mover por que tenian todo lo que necesitaban
    E carros naves carreteras puertos
    F doble de shangai
    G muros
    h tendran que buscar para la gente pobre que hay es donde mas crecera la poblacion hiegiene salud y educacion y cultivar en vertical paraproducir mas alimento

  7. Alejandro García 2ºD19 February 2017 at 04:23

    a) more than a half people
    b) 8/10 people
    c) 10.000 years ago for eat and live
    d)5.000 years ago because trhere was new techniques for plants and animals
    e)cards,ships,roads and boats
    f) more high than Sanghai or Calcuta
    g) they built walls
    h)frst provide adequate food, sanitations and education for all people and second dont damage the land and the provides

  8. Paula Martínez Escribano28 February 2017 at 14:40

    A. More than the fifty percent
    B. A hundred years ago only two of ten people
    C. A thousands years ago. Because people began to learn a secret and they starting to do agricultural techniques
    D. A 5.000 years ago. Because people could already rely on constant long term food
    E. Cars , ships, roads...
    F. Could double the actual Sanghai and Calcutta ones
    G. They built walls and columns
    H. 1 the World need to provided food, sanatation and adjudication for all people
    2 do factories that help the enviroment and don't waste a lot of energy, the food production do gardens and put it in City Centers, make buildings that contain everything that people need for their life.


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