Where: Everywhere
What:   International Women's Day (8 March) is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. In some places like China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria, International Women's Day is a national holiday.
Why:   Suffragettes campaigned for women's right to vote. The word 'Suffragette' is derived from the word "suffrage" meaning the right to vote. International Women's Day honours the work of the Suffragettes, celebrates women's success, and reminds of inequities still to be redressed. The first International Women's Day event was run in 1911. 

Now your turn, try to guess who these personnes were and why they were so important: 

















  1. monserrat 2°A8 March 2015 at 07:52

    B)Federica Montseny.
    Politica y sindicalista anarquista española ministra durante la II República Española, siendo la I mujer en ocupar un cargo ministerial en la Europa Occidental.
    I)Irena Sedler.
    Conocida como el Ángel del Gueto de Varsovia, enfermera que salvó a más de 2.000 niños judíos condenados a morir. Fue candidata al primer Premio Nobel de la Paz.
    J) Eva Perón.
    Primera mujer política.
    K)Libros de hipatía de Alejandría.
    Primera científica y gran Filósofa.
    L)Rosalín Elsie Franklin.
    Química y cristalófaga inglesa.
    N)Selma Langerlöf.
    Primera mujer en obtener un premio Nobel en Literatura
    Ñ)Ada Lovelace.
    Luchó para que hubiese igualdad de género.
    O)Valentina Tereshkova.
    Fue la primera mujer astronauta.
    Las que no he contestado no sabí quienes eran

  2. Luis Paños Cuenca 2º C10 March 2015 at 09:52

    a) Sirimavo Bandaranaike. She was the first woman who was first minister in her countrie
    b) Federica Montseny. She was the first woman minister in Europe.
    c)Clara Campoamor. She help to be able the women's vote in Spain.
    d)Olimpia de Gouges. She wrote the women's rights.
    e) Emmeline Pankhurst.She help to be able the women's vote in England.
    f) Golda Meir.She was the first minister in Israel.
    g) indira gandhi.She was the longuest first minister in India.
    h)Marie Curie. She descovered the polonio.
    i) Irena Sendler. She saved 2.000 children during the Worl War II.
    j)Evita Perón.She made posible the women's vote in Argentina.
    k) Hipatia de Alejandria. She was the head master in the School of Alejandria.
    l) Rosalind franklin. She helped to comprend the DNA composition.
    m) Eleanor Roosevelt. She was the first American lady.
    n) Selma Lagerlöf. She was the first woman who wan the Nobel adwars of writting.
    o) Ada Lovelace. She helped to invented the calculator.
    p) Valentina Tereshkova. She was the first woman who travels to the space.

  3. b)Amalie Emmy Noether
    d)Madame Pompadour
    f) Golda meir
    g)Indira Gandhi
    h)Marie Curie
    Irene Sendler
    i) Evita Peron
    k)Rosalin Franklin
    o) Valentina Tereshkova

  4. ernesto mainez jimenez 2ºA14 March 2015 at 13:36

    a) Rosa Parks.
    She was an important figure in the movement for civil rights in America, for refusing to give up her seat to a white and move to the back of the bus in the southern United States in 1955. By that action ended in jail and knows him as "the first lady of civil rights."
    b) Federica Montseny.
    She was the first woman to hold a ministerial position in Western Europe.
    c) Clara Campoamor.
    She was a Spanish politician , advocate for the rights of women and principal promoter of women's suffrage in Spain , achieved in 1931 , and first exercised by women in the 1933 elections.
    d) Olympe de Gouges.
    She was a writer , playwright , pamphleteer and French politics , author of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (1791).
    e) Margaret Tatcher.
    she was a British politics who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979-1990 , being the person in that position for longer during the twentieth century and the only woman to have held this position in your country.
    f) Golda Meir.
    She was a political , diplomatic and , as a statesman , the fourth prime minister of Israel. She was the first woman in Israel and third in the world in taking high office.
    g) Indira Gandhi.
    She was the fifth and the eighth Prime Minister of India, foreign minister , minister of interior, defense minister , minister of bonds and minister of information and broadcasting.
    h) Marie Curie.
    She was a physical , mathematical and chemistry Polish , naturalized French . A pioneer in the field of radioactivity , was, among other merits , the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes in different specialties , Physics and Chemistry , and the first female professor at the University of Paris.
    (no tiene letra) Irena Sendler.
    She was known as " The Angel of the Warsaw Ghetto " was a Polish Catholic nurse and social worker, who during World War II helped and saved more than 2500 Jewish children virtually doomed to be victims of the Holocaust , risking his own life.

    i) Eva Peron.
    She was known as Eva Perón , or Evita, was an actress and Argentina policy. She married Juan Domingo Peron in 1945 and after taking this as President of Argentina the following year , Duarte became First Lady , President of the Peronist Party Female, President of Eva Peron and Chief Spiritual Foundation of the Nation.
    j) Hipatía de Alenjadría.
    She was a Greek Neoplatonist philosopher and teacher of Egypt, who excelled in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, member and head of the Alexandrian school in the early fifth century.
    k) Rosalind Franklin.
    She was a crystallographer chemistry and English author of important contributions to the understanding of the structure of DNA , viruses , coal and graphite.
    l) Eleanor Roosevelt.
    She was a EE.UU diplomat and activist for human rights . It was First Lady and wife of the President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It is considered one of the most influential leaders in the twentieth century.
    m) Selma Lagerlöf.
    She was a Swedish writer of universal fame and the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for Literature (1909).
    n) Ada Lovelace.
    She was a mathematical and British writer best known for his work on the mechanical calculating machine of Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine. It is often described as the first computer programmer.
    o) Valentina Tereshkova.
    She was the first woman to travel into Pool1 space(June 16, 1963 aboard Vostok 6 spacecraft).

  5. Maria Moreno 2C15 March 2015 at 05:03

    a) Rigoberta Menchú. Defender of human rights, became the first indigenous Guatemalan and the youngest woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

    b) Federica Montseny. She was the first woman minister in Spain.

    c) Clara Campoamor. He defended and promoted women's suffrage in Spain. Women voted for the first time in Spain in the 1933 elections.

    d) Olimpia de Gouges. Author of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen in 1791 after the French Revolution. In 1793, he died on the guillotine

    e) Emma Godoy. It was a Mexican writer and broadcaster who was distinguished for promoting the defense of the dignity of old age.

    f) Golda Meir. It was a political, diplomatic and, as a statesman, the fourth prime minister of Israel. She was the first woman in Israel and third in the world in taking high office.

    g) Indira Gadhi. He was prime minister of India from 19 January 1966 until 24 March 1977, and from January 14 1980 until his assassination on October 31, 1984. He fought for the disappearance of the caste system in your country.

    h) Marie Curie.She was the first woman to get a Nobel prize. In really, she got two, in two different fields: Physics (1903) and Chemistry (1911)

    9) Irena Sendler. Was a Polish Catholic nurse and social worker, who during World War II helped and saved more than 2500 Jewish children virtually doomed to be victims of the Holocaust, risking his own life. It was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, although it was not finally chosen.

    i) Eva Perón (Evita) Was an actress and Argentina policy. She married Juan Domingo Peron in 1945 and after taking this as President of Argentina the following year, Duarte became First Lady, President of the Peronist Party Female, President of Eva Peron and Chief Spiritual Foundation of the Nation.

    j) Hipatia de Alejandria. Was a Greek, natural philosopher and teacher Neoplatonic Egypt, who excelled in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, member and head of the Alexandrian school at the beginning of V century.

    k) Barba McClintock. She was especialized cytogenetics and was awarded the Nobel Prize for his outstanding and advanced theory of "jumping genes", which reflected the discovery of mobile genetic elements.

    o) Valentina Tereshkova. She was the first woman in space.

  6. a)Sirimavo Bandaranaike
    b)Federica Montseny Mañé
    c)Clara Campoamor
    d)Olympe de gouges
    e)Chritabel pankhurst
    f) Golda meir
    g)Indira Gandhi
    h)Marie Curie
    Irene Sendler
    i) Evita Peron
    k)Rosalin Franklin
    l)eleanor Roosevelt
    m) Selma Lagerlöf
    n) ada lovelace
    o) Valentina Tereshkova

  7. Paula Carretero 2ºB15 March 2015 at 09:59

    a) Sirimavo Bandaranaike :
    She was the first woman in the world to be first Minister of a country.
    b) Federica Montseny :
    She was the first woman to hold a ministerial position in Western Europe.
    c) Clara Campoamor :
    She was advocate of women's rights and main policy drive of women's suffrage in Spain.
    d) Olimpia de Gouges :
    She was the author of the Declaration of the rights of women and of the citizen.
    e) Emmeline Pankhurst :
    She was one of the founders of the British suffragist movement. She fought for the right to vote for women.
    f) Golda Meir :
    It was a policy, diplomatic and the fourth Prime Minister of Israel.
    g) Indira Gandhi :
    She was a major policy of the India that occupied positions as Prime Minister or Foreign Minister.
    h) Marie Curie :
    She was a physics, mathematics and chemistry Polish, nationalized French. Pioneer in the field of radioactivity.
    ) Irena Sendler :
    She was a nurse who, during the second world war, helped and saved more than two thousand five hundred Jewish children.
    i) Eva Duarte de Peron :
    She was an actress and Argentine politics. She got political equality between men and women.
    j) Hipatia :
    She was a philosopher and teacher neoplatonic Greek in Egypt, member and head of the neoplatonic School of Alexandria.
    k) Rosalind Franklin :
    She was a chemistry and English cristalografa author of important contributions to the understanding of the structure of DNA, viruses, coal and graphite.
    l) Eleanor Roosevelt :
    She was a diplomat and American human rights activist.
    m) Selma Lagerlöf :
    She was a Swedish writer of universal fame and the first woman to get a Nobel Prize for literature.
    n) Ada Lovelace :
    She was a mathematics and British writer best known for his work on the mechanical calculating machine.
    o) Valentina Tereshkova :
    She was the first woman who traveled to space.

  8. Jose Martinez Biosques16 March 2015 at 13:40

    a)Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike:The first woman in the world in assuming the prime minister's post of a country
    B)Federika Montseny:She was the first secretary of a Spanish government. And according to some, more than it: the first European secretary.
    C)Clara campoamor:A great defender of the civil laws of the woman.She fought in favour of the right to vote of the women..
    D)Olympe de Gouges:Prolific political writer, demonstrated clearly against the Jacobina repression and against Robespierre and Marat.
    E)Margaret Thatcher:It was a British politics that she exercised as the first secretary of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990, being the person in this wholesale post time during the 20th century and the only woman who has occupied this place in her country.
    F)Golda Meir;Golda Meir was the first woman in occupying the presidency of the young person been of Israel
    G) Indira Gandhi: She was the first woman of the Asian subcontinent who managed to take the reins of her country,
    H)Marie Curi:It was a physics, mathematics and Polish, nationalized French chemistry. Pioneer in the field of the radioactivity, was, between other merits, the first person in receiving two Nobel Prizes in different specialities, Physics and Chemistry, and the first woman in being a teacher in the University of Paris.
    I) Eva de perón:Duarte there turned into the first lady, Presidenta of the Party Feminine Peronist, Chairwoman of the Foundation Eve Perón and Spiritual Boss of the Nation.
    J)Hipatía de Alejandría:She is the first woman of science whose life is documented well.
    K)Rosalnd Franklin:It was a chemistry and cristalógrafa English authoress of important contributions to the comprehension of the structure of the DNA, the virus, the coal and the graphite.
    L)Eleanor Roosevelt:She was a diplomat and American activist for the human rights. She was The First American Lady.
    M)Selma Lagerlöf:She was a Swedish writer of universal reputation and the first woman in obtaining a Nobel Prize on Literature
    N)Augusta ada Byron de Lovelace:She was a mathematics and British writer known principally by her work on the calculating mechanical machine.
    O)Tereshkova:She was tfe first woman who contemplated the Earth from out.

  9. 1)Sirimavo Bandaranaike.
    2)Federica Montseny Mañé.
    3)Clara Campoamor.
    4)Olympe de Gouges.
    5)Chritabel Pankhurst.
    6) Golda Meir.
    7)Indira Gandhi.
    8)Irene Sendler.
    9) Evita Peron.
    11)Rosalin Franklin.
    12)Eleanor Roosevelt.
    13) Selma Lagerlöf.
    14) Ada Lovelace.
    15) Valentina Tereshkova.


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