Answer these easy questions about chapter 3.


1. Which joint motto did the Catholic Monarchs adopt?
2. What was the Holy Brotherhood?
3. What were the corregidor's tasks?
4. Tell me the names of different taxes around 1500.

Watch some information about the famous motto:

And here you can see a funny video: 


  1. Luis Paños Cuenca 2º C6 March 2015 at 12:51

    1.- "Tanto monta, Monta tanto Isabel como Fernando"
    2.- It was a "police force" used to keep the peace in the towns of Castile.
    3.- They had to collected the taxes and carried out royal business.
    4.- Alcabala, Tercias reales, Cruzada, Servicio and montazgo , Special taxes on the Holy Brotherhood and military orders.

  2. ANDRÉS JOSÉ AROCA CANO 2º B7 March 2015 at 03:26

    1. They adopt the joint motto of "Tanto monta, monta tanto"

    2. The Holy Brotherhood was like a police force at this time. They had keep the peace in the town of Castile. In all village or town with over 50 inhabitants had local Brotherhood.

    3.They collect taxes and carry out royal business.

    4.The names of different taxes around 1500 are:

    - Alcabala.
    - Tercias reales.
    - Cruzada.
    - Servicio y montazgo.
    - Taxes and imports.

  3. Patricia Martínez 2º D9 March 2015 at 09:16

    1. Which joint motto did the Catholic Monarchs adopt? Tanto monta, monta tanto.

    2. What was the Holy Brotherhood? There was a pólice force used by Ferdinand and Isabella to keep the peace in the towns.

    3. What were the corregidor's tasks? They collected taxes and carried out royal business.

    4. Tell me the names of different taxes around 1500. acabala, tercias reales, cruzada, servicio y montazgo.

  4. Paula Carretero 2º B12 March 2015 at 12:44

    1. The Catholic Monarchs adopted the joint motto: tanto monta, monta tando - Isabel como Fernando.
    2. It was a group to keep the peace in the town or city.
    3. The coregidor's tasks were make the governement more loyal, efficent and prefessional.
    4. alcabala: (10% sales tax)
    tercias reales: (30% of the taxes paid to the church)
    cruzada: (crusade tax granted by the Pope for the Reconquest)
    servicio y montazgo: (sheep tax) taxes on imports
    special taxes on the Holy Brotherhood and military orders.

  5. Paula Carretero 2º B12 March 2015 at 12:49

    1. The Catholic Monarchs adopted the joint motto: tanto monta, monta tando - Isabel como Fernando.
    2. It was a group to keep the peace in the town or city.
    3. The coregidor's tasks were make the governement more loyal, efficent and prefessional.
    4. alcabala: (10% sales tax)
    tercias reales: (30% of the taxes paid to the church)
    cruzada: (crusade tax granted by the Pope for the Reconquest)
    servicio y montazgo: (sheep tax) taxes on imports
    special taxes on the Holy Brotherhood and military orders.

  6. 1. Tanto Monta.
    2. Is a group of armed people, paid for the councils, to chase the criminals.
    3. Are the jurisdictional area for the exercise of the own functions of a Sheriff, could be delegated or helped by his lieutenant or deputy.

  7. Maria Moreno 2C15 March 2015 at 03:44

    1.Tanto monta, monta tanto- Isabel como Fernando.
    2. It was a proper police force (la Santa Hermandad)
    3. They collect taxes and carry out royal business.
    4. Alcabala(10% sales tax), tercias reales(30% of the taxes paid to the church), cruzada (crusade tax granted by the Pope for the Reconquest), servicio y montazgo(sheep tax)

  8. a) Tanto monta monta tanto
    b)was keep the peace in the towns of castile
    c) the corregidor's vicereoys tasks who represented the absent ferdinand
    d) alcabala tercios reales cruzada servicio and montazgo

  9. ernesto mainez jimenez 2ºA16 March 2015 at 10:21

    chapter 3.

    1. tanto monta, monta tanto.
    2. the holy brotherhood keep the peace in the towns of Castile.
    3. The corregidores were used to collect taxes and carry out royal business.
    4. alcabala, tercias reales, cruzada y servicio y montazgos.

  10. 1) They adopted this joint motto: "Tanto monta, monta tanto".
    2) It was a police force to keep the peace in the towns of Castile.
    3) The corregidor's tasks were to collect taxes and carry out royal business.
    4) They were alcabala, tercias reales, cruzada and servicio y montazgo.

  11. 1. The Catholic Monarchs adopted the joint motto: " Tanto monta, monta tanto - Isabel como Fernando".

    2. The Holy Brotherhood was a group formed by 50 inhabitants created to Keep the peace in the towns of Castile. They dressed in leather coats and green shirt. They were very cruel.

    3. The corridor's tasks were collect taxes and carry out royal businness.

    4. Different taxes around 1.500 were: alcabala, tercias reales, cruzada-servicio y montazgo, imports.


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