Answer the following questions about this chapter: 

  1. When did Granada surrender (day, month and year)? 
  2. Which words did Boabdil say just before giving Ferdinand the keys to the Alhambra.
  3. Who was the Archbishop of Granada who forced Muslims to convert to Christianity? When?
  4. There is a mistake in our book, you can see in the last line on page 40 "The moriscos were finally expelled from Spain by Philip III in 1614". What is wrong in that sentence? 
  5. Why is a place called "The Moor's Last Sigh" known with such a curious name? 

Look at this website with the Conquest of Granada: http://lab.rtve.es/serie-isabel/rendicion-de-granada/


  1. Maria Moreno 2C18 March 2015 at 08:09

    1. On 2 January 1492.
    2. he said: I really have no idea where I left those keys.
    3. Hernando de Talavera in 1499.
    4. The year is wrong. It was in 1609.
    5. Because the mother of Aisha told: Cry, cry like a woman for what you colud not defend as a man!

  2. Carmen Tranwiñski 2º C19 March 2015 at 11:03

    a) 2nd January 1492
    c) Cisneros before the conquest of Granada
    d)Who it is not in 1614 is in 1609
    e)Because this site was when Boabdil turn his head way from exile and looked for last time his city, then he mourn.

  3. 1. Granada surrendered was in 2 January 1492.
    2. He said: I really have no idea where I left those keys.
    3. He called Cisneros. It was in 1502.
    4. The moriscos were finally expelled from Spain by Philip III in 1614.
    5. Because his mother Aisha is then said to have told him off. She supposedly said, Cry, cry likea woman for what you could not defended as a man!. (El último suspiro del moro).

  4. Andrés José Aroca Cano 2ºB21 March 2015 at 13:38

    1. In 2 january 1492.
    2.He said: " I really have no idea where I left those keys ..."
    3. It was Cisneros. In 1502.
    4. The mistake is the year. In 1609.
    5. Because the mother of Boabdil, said: "Cry, cry like a woman for what you could not defend as a man!"

  5. 1- It surrendered on 2nd of January in 1.492.
    2- He said: "Yours we are, invincible King; we deliver this city and kingdom to you, trusting that you will-treat us with mercy and moderation".
    3- He was the Archbishop Cisneros of Toledo in 1.499.
    4- "The moriscos were finally expelled from Spain by Philip III in 1.609".
    5- Because Boabdil cried when he left the Alhambra.

  6. 1.) Boabdil surrendered on 2 January 1492.
    2.) He said: "Yours we are, invincible king; we deliver this city and kingdom to you, trusting that you will treat us with mercy and moderation".
    3.) He was the Archbishop Cisneros in 1499.
    4.) It was in 1609.
    5.) Because boabdil, when he left Granada, he took one last look at the Alhambra Palace and he began to cry.

  7. a) On 2 January 1942
    b) yours we are invincible king; we deliver this city and kingdom to you trusting that you will treat us with mercy and moderation.
    c) Pedro de Castro
    d) were expelled in 1609

  8. 1- In January 2nd 1492.
    2- Boabdil say: your we are,. invincible king.
    3- The Aechbishop Cisneros.
    4- In 1609.
    5- Porque Boabdil lloro cuando el dejo la alhambra.


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