Watch at this video and answer the questions:


a) Who was the third claimant to the Throne of Spain? Why didn't he fight in the War of Succession?
b) Close to the minute 0:56-1:00, there is a mistake with the countries that supported each claimant, which is the mistake?


  1. Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 4ºA7 October 2015 at 07:45

    a) The last king of the House of Austria was Charles II, who was weak and sickly character. It was impossible for Charles II had children (and he tried with many womens). Then, there were three heirs to the throne:
    Philip of Bourbon, Charles of Austria and Joseph Ferdinand of Bavaria, but Joseph Ferdinand of Bavaria died (believe that due for smallpox) just before Carlos II of Spain (the king). Then Carlos II left everything in his will to Philip V.

    b) I think it says that Austria, Holland and England declared war on France, and Savoy and Portugal were allies of France, but Portugal was an ally of Austria.

  2. Enrique Alcázar 4ºA7 October 2015 at 09:13

    a) The Louis XIV's grand-nephew (I don`t know if the kinship is said like that, but the video says something related with nephew). Because he was 2 years old.

    b) Savoy and Portugal didn't join France, they were allies of Charles of Austria, and not of Phillip V.

  3. Eduardo García Segovia8 October 2015 at 08:05

    1) The third claimant to the Throne of Spain was José Fernando of Braviera. He didn´t fight in the War because he died before the War of Succession, he died in 1699.

    2) The mistake is that Portugal didn´t support Spain and France. Portugal went with England and Holland and supported Austria.

    By: Eduardo García Segovia

  4. Andrea Saiz 4ºB9 October 2015 at 06:53

    a) It was the Prince Joseph Fernando of Bavaria.
    It didn't fight because he died prematurely of chickenpox.

    b) The error is that in the video says that the allies were Spain and France. It wasn't so, they were the Netherlands, England and Austria.

  5. Mario Ovejero 4ºB9 October 2015 at 08:18

    a) Joseph Ferdinand of Baviere. Because he dead before the war.
    b) Saboya didn't support France.

  6. Mario Ovejero 4ºB9 October 2015 at 08:22

    a) Joseph Ferdinand of Baviere. Because he dead before the war.
    b) PORTUGAL didn't support France.


  7. Enrique Alcázar 4° A9 October 2015 at 08:31

    a) Joseph Ferdinand of Baviera, because he died just before of the king of Spain' s death

    b) I've already answered this cuestión in another comment.

  8. María López Olmeda 4ºA9 October 2015 at 14:28

    a) The prince Jose Fernando de Baviera, died prematurely because of chicken pox.
    b) The European powers , Britain, the Netherlands , Portugal and the Austrian Empire , opposed the French concentrate so much power, so they declared war on France and Spain . The candidate who was opposed Archduke Charles of Austria.

  9. a)Jose Fernando de Baviera wasn't heredated the throne because he died one year before that Charles II.
    b)It says that Portugal went in the band of France, but Portugal was againts of France.

  10. Miguel Moya / 4º A-B10 October 2015 at 02:31

    A) Jose Fernando de Baviera died when he was 7.
    B) I can't listen the audio

  11. Coral Segovia / 4º B10 October 2015 at 02:32

    a) He was José Fernando of Baviera. He didn’t fight because died before the war.
    b) The mistake is that in the video, it say that the allies of Portugal were Spain and France. The true allies were Holland, England and Austria.

  12. Rus Porras Couto / 4º A10 October 2015 at 02:32

    a)Philip V of the bourbon`s house. He was the legitim sucesor of Charles II and he fought vs England and Holland.
    b)Germany isn`t correct , is Holland

  13. Antonio Cano Meneses / 4º A10 October 2015 at 02:33

    a) The third claimant to the Throne of Spain was José Fernando of Bavaria. He didn't fight in the War of Succession because he died before the death of the King of Spain.

    b) The mistake is Portugal didn't support France, Portugal supported Austria.

  14. María del Mar Murado / 4º A10 October 2015 at 02:34

    A) Joseph Fernando. Because he died just before the death of the king of Spain
    B) France join to Spain, no with Austrians.


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