Try to look for a link between this image and the movie. Try to explain it very clearly.


  1. The person that is singing is Farinelli (Carlo Broschi) an italian castrato singer, one of the most famous of the 18th century.
    He belonged to the lower nobility. He was castrated by a medical necessity.
    After this he went to a Conservatory to improve his voice.
    years later, he performed actuations in Viena, Venecia, Napolés, Milán, Londres...
    Also, he went to Spain, here he performed in front of Felipe V, in order to the singer healed depression of the king using his voice.
    Farinelli get heal the depression of Felipe V.
    In order to thank him, Felipe V named him Prime Minister and also was appointed direct of theaters in Madrid and Aranjuez.
    In Aranjuez, he converted this into a focus for European music during 18th century.
    The picture belongs to Royal Palace of Aranjuez (I think this is the palace of picture, for the structure of palace, the bridge with river and garden cross shaped)
    In the picture, people are celebrating something, this thing is the national party of Aranjuez, 30th of May ,these parties are due to King Fernando VI. It is said that the day of San Fernando in 1752, a frigate called San Fernando and Santa Barbara with the sides Golden bow to stern and largely in gold with silver fringe fabric stood in the pit, where it could be sighted by the King, who greeted seven times with the voice and fifteen guns, making music from the frigate and two jabeques. There were fireworks and evening stroll through the gardens...
    The relationship that I have found is that Farinelli was here, also he composed an aria to Fernando VI.
    By: Eduardo García Segovia

  2. Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 4ºA11 October 2015 at 06:48

    The author of this picture is “Francesco Battaglioli”, and the title is "Fernando VI y Barbara de Braganza en los jardines de Aranjuez". The title of the film is "Farinelli (Il castrato)", 1994.

    The picture is a view of the Palace of Aranjuez, made on the occasion of the celebration of the name day of King Fernando VI, in 1756. We can see Farinelli (famous castrati) with a group of musicians on the left of the picture.
    The Royal Palace of Aranjuez was the place chosen by the Bourbons to stay on spring; Fernando could go hunting, and Barbara could apply her time to music.
    Farinelli was, perhaps, the first star in the history of music. His real name is Carlo Maria Bruschi. He arrived to Madrid in 1737. Elisabetta Farnesio called him, hoping that his voice cure Philip V of a severe depression he had. Queen's doctor believed in music therapy, and the queen was desperate to find a solution to the situation of her husband. Farinelli was 22 years in the Spanish court.
    Then, he worked for Barbara de Braganza (music lover), wife of Fernando VI. Carlos III didn’t want him, and he gave him a pension and Farinelli went to Italy; he died in Bologna in 1782.

    Interesting websites:

  3. The picture represents "Los jardines de Aranjuez" painted by Francesco Battaglioli and it was order paint by Fernando VI and Bárbara de Braganza during the anual party in 1756, Farinelli was a singer, and he sang in a ship by the river and is the same person like in the video.

  4. Gema Esteso / 4º A13 October 2015 at 10:19

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  5. Miguel Moya Cano 4ºB14 October 2015 at 06:42

    The picture is "Fernando VI and Barbara de Braganza in the gardens of Aranjuez". Francesco Battaglioli painted it and it's exposed at the Prado Museum in Madrid. The video shows Carlo Broschi, il castrato Farinelli, who is representing an opera. I think the link between the two is that the picture belonged to the private collection of Farinelli.

  6. Enrique Alcázar 4ºA14 October 2015 at 07:03

    No wonder Philip V had persuaded the star to move from London to the Spanish Court, where he played a key political role that still expects a fair and thorough historical study. It was protected by Barbara of Braganza, wife of Fernando VI, who also brought to Spain from Portugal to Domenico Scarlatti, and "cured" melancholy of kings (especially of Felipe V) singing arias them again and again. It is said that there were five very famous arias that King never tired of listening. During the reign of Fernando VI, not only led to the rise of Italian opera in Spain, but served as prime minister, directed theater and was even knighted and awarded the Cross of Calatrava. Upon arrival of Carlos III in the Spanish Court, Bologna Farinelli retired to spend his last days, before the hostility of the new monarch to the castrati and driven by distrust of loyalty that the singer always kept his protective kings.

  7. Andrea Saiz 4ºB14 October 2015 at 08:53

    The title of the square is "Fernando VI and Braganza" in the gardens of Aranjuez this work formed part of a set of views of the Palace, and the celebrations that there took place, which were originally added a total of four, of which only this and view of the Palacio de Aranjuez is preserved. Both in the Museo del Prado. The moment represented in this view shows ride's real courtship, presided over by the Queen Bárbara de Braganza, in the gardens of the Palacio. I think that is the link between representatives is pictured and stands the famous castrato Farinelli along with a group of musicians to the left of the box. This picture is part of the private collection of Farinelli, acquired by the Prado Museum in 1979.

  8. Verónica García Montoya 4ºA14 October 2015 at 13:09

    The picture is a painting named "Fernando VI and Barbara of Braganza in the gardens of Aranjuez", the painting is part of the Farinelli's privated collection, who is exposed in the Prado's Museum in Madrid. The video is from a song composed by Ricardo Broschi and sung by his brother Carlo Broschi more know as Farinelli. The relation that has Carlo with the Spanish Crown is that Carlo was convinced by Felipe V to went to Spain. Carlo was living in Spain during the reign of Fernando VI, he was a Barbara de Braganza's (wife of Fernando VI) protected; he singed arias for the kings, it's said that this cured their melancholy. During the reign of Fernando VI he did more than just sing, he led the rise of the Italian's opera in Spain, he was first Minister; he led theater... Even was named knight and they gave the Calatrava's Cross to him. When Carlos III arrived to the Spanish Crown he left Spain and went to Bologna.


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