Finish reading the chapter 6 and answer these questions:

a) Which day did Columbus set sail for his first trip?
b) Which were the Treaty of Tordesillas's principles?
c) Columbus was supposed to be Genoese, but other territories had claimed that he was from them, which ones?
d) Who was the first person who saw land in Columbus' first trip to América?
e) Where is Columbus buried?

If you have time, you can watch this interesting movie:



  1. Luis Paños Cuenca 2º C24 April 2015 at 07:19

    1.- It was on 3 August 1492.
    2.- They were that Spain would have control of all land discovered west kof an imaginary line that went north-south 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands.
    3.- It has also claimed that he was Corsican, Portuguese, Croatian, Catalan or even Greek.
    4.- It was Rodrigo de Triana.
    5.-He was buried in Valladolid.

  2. Paula Carretero 2ºB29 April 2015 at 07:26

    a) Colombus sailed for his first trip on 3 August 1492.
    b) That Spain would have control of all land discovered west of an imaginary line that went north-south 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands.
    c) It has also been claimed that Combus was Corsican, Portuguese, Croatian, Catalan or even Greek.
    d) The first person who saw land was Rodrigo de Triana.
    e) Today, there are argument about that Colombus is in Spain or the Dominican Republic.

  3. Andrés José Aroca Cano 2ºB30 April 2015 at 10:42

    1. On 3 August 1492.
    2. A control of all lands discovered.
    3. Corsian, Portuguese, Croatian, Catalan and Greek.
    4. Rodrigo de Triana.
    5. In Valladolid.

  4. Eduardo carretero carrilero 2º B3 May 2015 at 07:09

    a)in 1492
    b) authenticated at Setúbal, Portugal, divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between Portugal and Castile along a meridian 370 leagues[note 1] west of the Cape Verde islands (off the west coast of Africa). This line of demarcation was about halfway between the Cape Verde Islands (already Portuguese) and the islands entered by Christopher Columbus on his first voyage (claimed for Castile), named in the treaty as Cipangu and Antilia (Cuba and Hispaniola)
    c)Corsican,Portuguese,Croatian,Catalan or Greek
    d)Cristopher Colombus
    e)in Santo Domingo

  5. Patricia Martinéz 2ºD3 May 2015 at 09:26

    a) Which day did Columbus set sail for his first trip? On 3 August 1492.
    b) Which were the Treaty of Tordesillas's principles?Discovered new wealth and spreading Christianity.
    c) Columbus was supposed to be Genoese, but other territories had claimed that he was from them, which ones? Corsican, Portuguese, Croatian, Catalan or even Greek.
    d) Who was the first person who saw land in Columbus' first trip to América? Rodrigo de Triana.
    e) Where is Columbus buried?He were buried in Valladolid, then in Seville, later to Santo Domingo, to Havana and finally to the cathedral of Seville

  6. a) On 3rd August of 1492 to 15th March of 1493.
    b) A new demarcation line ends in both geographic poles, pass 370 leagues, Castilla's resignation had the rights of the Kingdom of Fez, except the region surrounding Melilla, and the exclusion of Castilian ships of fishing south of Cape Bojador and the confirmation of the Castilian right.
    d) He is Rodrigo de Triana.
    e) Colon is buring in the Catedral de Santa María de la Sede de Sevilla.


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