After reading the chapter 5, answer the following questions:

1. When was the Inquisition established in Castile?

2. What was an auto de fe?

3. What happened to the Jews in Castile and Aragon?

4. What happened if an accused died before the Inquisition trial was finished?

5. Explain two different torture methods used by the Inquisition.

6. Look at the second video, about Muslims, look at the minutes 02:43 and the 49:39-57:00, and answer: when did it happen?

As always, the series "Isabel" helps with its images to understand a little better this part of the unit:

Copia sellada del Edicto de Granada. «Nosotros ordenamos además en este edicto que los Judíos y Judías cualquiera edad que residan en nuestros dominios o territorios que partan con sus hijos e hijas, sirvientes y familiares pequeños o grandes de todas las edades al fin de Julio de este año y que no se atrevan a regresar a nuestras tierras y que no tomen un paso adelante a traspasar de la manera que si algún Judío que no acepte este edicto si acaso es encontrado en estos dominios o regresa será culpado a muerte y confiscación de sus bienes.»


  1. Luis Paños Cuenca 2º C8 April 2015 at 08:37

    1.- It was established in 1478.
    2.- It was a public ceremony in which the jews and the muslims were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3.- Ferdinan and Isabella ordered all Jews to convert yo Christianity or be expelled from Castile and Aragon.
    4.- His or her effigy would be burnt instead.
    5.- The toca: a cloth was forced into the accused's mouth, and water was poured onto it so that accused felt they were drowning.
    The potro: the accused was tied to a rack and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles, causing intense pain.
    6.- It was in 1492.

  2. 1) 1478
    2)Was the ritual of public penance of condemned heretics.
    3) They drove out all who were not converted.
    4)Acused of sinner.
    5)The fire and the crade of Judas
    6)Cisneros make several Jews in Catholic

  3. 1.) It was established in Castile in 1478.
    2.) It was a public ceremony in which many people convicted by the Inquisition were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3.) Ferdinand and Isabella ordered all Jews to convert to Christianity or be expelled from Castile and Aragon.
    4.) If an accused died before the trial was finished, his or her effigy would be burnt instead.
    5.) The toca: A cloth was forced into the accused's mouth, and water was poured onto it so the accused felt they were drowning.
    The potro: The accused was tied to a rack and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles, causing intense pain.
    6.) It was in 1492, when Ferdinand and Isabella ordered all Jews to convert to Christianity or be expelled.

  4. Andrés José Aroca Cano 2ºB9 April 2015 at 10:52

    1. It was in 1478.
    2. Is a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3. They were obligated to convert to Christianity or expelled.
    4. His or her effigy would be burnt instead.
    5. The toca. A cloth was forced into the accused's mouth and wáter was poured onto it so that the accused felt they were drowing.
    The potro. The accused was tied to a track and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles, causing intense pain ouch again.
    6. It was in 1492.

  5. ernesto mainez jimenez 2ºA10 April 2015 at 08:33

    Chapter 5.

    1. In 1478.
    2. It was a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3. The Jews that no converted were made to wear special clothes or badges.
    5. 1) The toca - a cloth was forced into the accused' s mouth, and water was pourred onto it so that the accused felt they were drowning.
    2) The potro - the accused was tied to a rack and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles, causing intense pain.

  6. Paula Carretero 2º B11 April 2015 at 06:34

    Chapter 5
    1. The Inquisition was established in 1478.
    2. It was a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3. In castile and aragon happened that the jews that didn't convert to Christianity had that go outside of Castile and Aragon.
    4. If the accused died before the trivial was finished, his or her effigy would be burnt instead.
    The potro: the accused was tied to a rack and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles, causing intense pain.
    The toca: a cloth was forced into the accused's mouth, and water was poured onto it so that the accused felt they were drowning.
    6. In 1499

  7. Paula Carretero 2º B11 April 2015 at 06:38

    Chapter 5
    1. The Inquisition was established in 1478.
    2. It was a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3. In castile and aragon happened that the jews that didn't convert to Christianity had that go outside of Castile and Aragon.
    4. If the accused died before the trivial was finished, his or her effigy would be burnt instead.
    The potro: the accused was tied to a rack and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles, causing intense pain.
    The toca: a cloth was forced into the accused's mouth, and water was poured onto it so that the accused felt they were drowning.
    6. In 1499.

  8. 1 The inquisicion was stableced the 1 of nobember 1478
    2 The ´´auto de fe´´ were a public manifestation to de inquisicion
    3 they was drive out
    4 his body was burned
    5 the ´´potro´´ and the ´´garrucha´´
    6 in 1492

  9. Patricia Martínez 2ºD13 April 2015 at 08:29

    1. When was the Inquisition established in Castile? The Inquisition was establish in Castile in 1478.

    2. What was an auto de fe?
    It was a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3. What happened to the Jews in Castile and Aragon? Jews had to convert to Christianity or bw expelled from Castile and Aragon.

    4. What happened if an accused died before the Inquisition trial was finished? His or her effigy would be burnt instead

    5. Explain two different torture methods used by the Inquisition.
    the garrucha: the accused was hung from the ceiling by the wrists or the feet, tihs often caused arms and legs to break.
    the toca: a cloth was forced into the accused's mouth, and wáter was poured onto it so that the accused felt they were drowning.
    the potro: the accused was tied to a rack and pulled apart at rhe wrists and ankles.
    6. Look at the second video, about Muslims, look at the minutes 02:43 and the 49:39-57:00, and answer: when did it happen? Joaquina el vídeo no se me carga, ¿Qué hago?

  10. Maria Moreno 2C14 April 2015 at 07:25

    1. It was established in 1478.
    2. It was a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3. They have to decided between convert to Christianity or be expelled from Castille and Aragon
    4. If the accused died before the trial was finished, his or her effigy would be burnt instead.
    5. The toca: a cloth was forced into the accused`s mouth, then wáter was poured onto it so that the accused felt they were drowining.
    The potro: the accused was tied to a rack and pulled aprt at the weists and ankles, causing intense pain.

  11. a) the inquisition established in 1478
    b) an auto de fe is a public ceremony in wich they were acused and sometimes burnt
    c)forced to convert to Christianity
    e)burn and put in prison
    f)They forced them to be baptized

  12. Paula Hellín/ 2º D14 April 2015 at 10:45

    1. The Inquisition establish in Castile in 1478 for permission Pope Sixtus IV.

    2.Auto de Fe was a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt. For example: In Sevilla.

    3. The Jews be expelled from Castile and Aragon.

    4.The accused died before the trial was finished, his or her effigy woud be burnt instead.

    5. Two tortue.

    A) The toca a cloth was forced into the accused's mouth, and water was poured on to it so that the accused felt they were drowning.

    B) The potro the accused was tied to a rock and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles causing intense pain.

  13. Jacinto / 2º C15 April 2015 at 00:24

    1. The Inquisition was stablished in Castile in 1478.
    2. It was a public ceremony in wich they were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3. Catholic Monarchs ordered all jews to convert to Christianity or be expelled from Castile and Aragon.
    4. His or her effigy would be burnt instead.
    5. Burning at the stake and garrotted.
    6. Muslims was converted to Christianity and there was a rebellion. The toleration was ended.

  14. 1- The Inquisition established in Castile the 1 November 1478.
    2- It was a public event organized by the Spanish Inquisition in which convicted of abjure their sins court and showed his repentance to serve as a lesson to all the faithful who had gathered in the public square or in the church where it was held.
    3- They were expelled from Castile and Aragon for not converting to Christianity.
    4- That the Inquisition desaced to their bodies.
    5- The hoguera and the Breaking Wheel.

  15. monserrat vergara 2A3 May 2015 at 09:24

    1. It was established in 1478.
    2. it was a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3. Ferdinand and Isabella ordered all Jews to convert to Christianity or be expelled from Castile and Aragon.
    4. That the Inquisition desaced to their bodies.
    5. Burning at the stake and garrotted.
    6. It was in 1492.


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