Activity on vacuum forming

1.- Watch this video:

And answer:
a) Why the sheet of hot thermoplastic must be thin?
b) What is the function of the vacuum?
c) After constructing the mould, could we use it to make many equal components?
d) Which of the following do you think are vacuum formed: trays, bottles, dishes, chairs.


  1. A) Because the more thin plastic sheet the more and better will be adapted to the shape of the mould, when you apply vacuum forming.
    B) Remove the air so that the plastic sheet is stretched and acquires the shape of the mould.
    C) Yes
    D) Trays and dishes

    I am Eduardo of 3ºA

  2. Javier Rubio Mainez 3ºB4 February 2015 at 12:35

    a)If the sheet is thin it fit better to the mould.
    b)The function is to make objects more seemed to the mould.
    c)Of course, always than the object that we want to make is equal to the mould.
    d)Trays and dishes.

  3. Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 3ºA5 February 2015 at 11:20

    a) Because the thinner plastic is easier to soften and mould. In addition, the vacuum forming is used to make objects with very thin walls.
    b) Pull out the air between the mould and the plastic, so that adapts to the mould walls.
    c) Yes; with the same mould we can obtain the same objects.
    d) Trays: yes
    Bottles: no (this is done by blow forming)
    Dishes: yes
    Chairs: no

  4. A) Because in this way the plastic heats and cools quickly.
    B) Vacuum forming is a simplified version of thermoforming, whereby a sheet of plastic is heated to a forming temperature, stretched onto a mold, and forced against the mold by a vacuum.
    C) Yes, this mold will serve to make plastic forms the times that we want to.
    D) Trays, bottles and dishes.


  5. Coral Segovia, 3ºB7 February 2015 at 00:42

    a) Because of this form it is adapts more easily in the mold and is more easier cut it.
    b) The vacuum function is extracting the air between the mold and the thermoplastic sheet. The plastic adapts the form of the mold of the object that is going to be manufactured.
    c) Yes, because the mold is made of wood, for this reason it doesn't break and serves for many times.
    d) Trays and dishes.


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