Another Renaissance painting:

a) Whose toes are these?
b) Who is the author?
c) Did the author paint during the Quattrocento or the Cinquecento?
d) Tell me the names of other painters and their artworks during the same period.

You got right!
It was "Lamentación sobre Cristo muerto" (The Lamentation over the Dead Christ or the Lamentation of Christ) by Andrea Mantegna, around 1480.
It portrays the body Christ lying on a marble slab. He is watched over by the Virgin Mary and Saint John whose cut-off profile is behind the Virgin Mary, who are weeping for his death.
The realism and tragedy of the scene are enhanced by the violent perspective, perspective is one of the features of the Renaissance.


  1. Luis Paños Cuenca 2º C20 February 2015 at 06:10

    1.- There are the foots of "El cristo yacente"
    2.- Andrea Mantegna.
    3.- During the Cinquecento.
    4.- Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael and Miguel Ángel

  2. patricia martínez 2ºD22 February 2015 at 01:12

    a) Whose toes are these? Cristo Yacente.
    b) Who is the author? The autor is Mantegna.
    c) Did the author paint during the Quattrocento or the Cinquecento? Yes, he did.
    d) Tell me the names of other painters and their artworks during the same period.
    Fra Angélico- la Anunciación
    Masaccio-La Trinidad
    Botticelli- El Nacimiento de Venus

  3. a) the toes are of retumbet christ
    b) the autor is Andrea Mantegna
    c) The autor paint in the quattrocento
    d) Amico aspertini, mariotto albertinelli, jacopo bellini

  4. A) To Christ.
    B) Andrea Mantenga
    C) No exact date has been established (1457-1501) (1480-1490).
    D) Hombre de Vitruvio (Leonardo da Vinci), El Condotiero de Gattamelata (Donatello), La Piedad del Vaticano (Miguel Ángel)

  5. A) Lamentación sobre Cristo muerto.
    B) Andrea Mantegna.
    C) During the Quattrocento.
    D) Los triunfos del César.
    Presentation at the Temple.
    Tránsito de la virgen.
    San Luca Altarpiece.

  6. ANDRES JOSÉ AROCA CANO 2º B22 February 2015 at 12:50

    a) These toes are of "The Lamentation over the Dead Christ (1490)

    b) The autor is Andrea Mantegna.

    c) At finally of Quattrocento.

    d)Names of others painters and their artworks during the same period:

    - Sandro Botticelli: "Adoración de los Magos" and "La Primavera".
    - Antonio del Pollaiuolo: "Hércules e Hidra" and "Hércules y Anteo"
    - Andrea del Verroccio : "La resurrección" and "Retrato de mujer"
    - Leonardo da Vinci: "La última cena" and "LA adoración de los Magos"

  7. Manuel Patiño / 2º C25 February 2015 at 14:55

    A) The foot is Christ's.
    B) Andrea Mantegna.
    C) Quattrocento.
    D) Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519); Gentile Bellini (1430-1516); Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494); Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)

  8. Manuel Patiño / 2º C18 March 2015 at 09:47

    A) The foot is Christ.
    B) Andrea Mantegna.
    C) Quattrocento.
    D) Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519); Gentile Bellini (1430-1516); Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494); Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)


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