a) Guess it and let me know!

b) Why was she important?

c) What did she have to do with the Catholic Monarchs?

d) What does she have to do with Madrid?


  1. Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 2ºB28 March 2014 at 12:47

    a) She was Beatriz Galindo, known as "La Latina"
    b) She was a Spanish writer and humanist, teacher (or private tutor) of the children of the Catholic Monarchs. She was one of the most educated women of her time. There is uncertainty about her date of birth; some authors believe it is 1464 or 1474.
    c) He was the teacher (or private tutor) of Queen Isabella I the Catholic, the King of Aragon Ferdinand II and the children of this (as I said before). She taught Catherine of Aragon, the future wife of Henry VIII of England, and Joanna of Castile, the future wife of Philip of Habsburg and later known as Juana the Mad. She appears (dressed in black) in the photographic reproduction of oil painting "Testament Isabel the Catholic"(Museum of Prado, Madrid), which is a historical recreation of the 19th century, the work of Eduardo Rosales, along with the Catholic Kings, Cardinal Cisneros and other characters from the royal court.
    d) Beatriz Galindo was removed from the court in 1510, when her husband died; Secretary Fernan Ramirez. Leaving the court, decided to move to Madrid, where in 1506 had founded a hospital dedicated to the care and education of young orphans. Subsequently, also founded the monastery of the Concepcion Jerónima, whose library she donated most of her books after her death. In the last years of her life, Beatriz Galindo spent the majority of their income in pious and religious foundations.
    In that study Torriglia Llanos and stands out for its lack in general, one aspect of the last phase of the life of Beatriz Galindo, fully seated in Madrid: its relation to the Emperor Charles V. Starting next year, America served as warden of the fortress of El Pardo, by direct order of the emperor. Before her death, she left sole heir to her grandson, Diego Ramirez de Madrid , which he bequeathed the most important territorial possessions ( home, in the neighborhood that bears his name , as well as protection founded in 1506 Hospital) , and contains an interesting inventory of his personal library . Among the works that are attributed to Beatriz Galindo highlights undoubtedly a Comment Aristotle, dedicated to Queen Isabella, and inventories contained in some of his books. No wonder that some years later, still the fame of La Latina resonate in the literary activity of another posh Madrid , Lope de Vega, who dedicated his Laurel Silva V Apollo Beatriz Galindo.

    Interesting websites:


  2. a)She was Beatriz Galindo.

    b)She was a writer and humanist Spanish woman.

    c)She was the teacher of Latin of the children of the catholic kings.

    d)She married and it lived in Madrid

  3. Enrique Alcázar 2ºA1 April 2014 at 13:47

    a) She was Beatriz Galindo "the latin"

    b) She was important because she came of a rich family of "hidalgos". His family want to she became a nun. Before the enter of the monastery, she was call by Isabel la Católica.

    c) She was the writer of Isabel la Católica, and she was a very important humanist.

    d) She was married with Francisco Ramírez de Madrid, a worker of Isabel. She lived in Madrid and she died in Madrid. In this city there is a statue of this person in Goya.

  4. a) Beatriz Galindo ''La Latina''

    b) She was important because she was and important spanish writer and humanism, and the daughter of an idalgo.

    c) Because she was his latin teacher.

    d) In her last years shi lived here.

    Mario Ovejero 2ºA

  5. Coral Segovia Galindo 2ºB3 April 2014 at 13:00

    a) She was Beatriz Galindo.
    b) Because she was a spanish writer and humanist, (called "Latina"), she was one of the most cultured women of the period of transition between the XV and XVI centuries.
    c) She had a strong showing in the royal court (a role that was usually done by men), fur Latin teacher, waitress and counselor of Queen Isabel of Castile.
    d) In 1506, she founded in Madrid an hospital dedicated to the education of young orphan, she also founded the monastery of the Concepción Jerónima to whose library she donated most of her books after her death. She was warden of the fortress of El Pardo, participated in the construction of new towers and repairing walls.

  6. Alex Moreno Villanueva 2ºB4 April 2014 at 06:29

    1) She is Beatriz Galindo.
    2) She was important because knew a lot Latin and she was a teacher and counselor of the sons of the Catholics Kings.
    3) She taugth latin of the sons of the Catholics Kings and sometimes she advised to Isabel.
    4)She lived there and created three convents and Latino neighborhood where she lived.

  7. Miguel Moya. 2º A4 April 2014 at 06:41

    a) Guess it and let me know!
    She was Beatriz Galindo “La latina”.

    b) Why was she important?
    She was a writer and humanist, and also spoke latin very well.

    c) What did she have to do with the Catholic Monarchs?
    She was the teacher of their children and also, she advised the Queen because Isabella trusted her.

    d) What does she have to do with Madrid?
    In 1501, when she was widow, she retired from the Court of the Catholic Monarchs and went to live in Madrid. She founded the hospital of “La Latina”, and the convents of the “Concepción Francisca” and the “Concepción Jerónima”. The current "Barrio La Latina" in Madrid, takes its name from the nickname of Beatriz, because this was the district where she lived.

  8. Andrea Saiz. 2º B4 April 2014 at 12:46

    a)Guess it and let me know!
    Beatriz Galindo (La Latina).

    b) Why was she important?
    It was a Spanish writer and humanist

    c) What did she have to do with the Catholic Monarchs?
    Because she was teacher the children of the Catholic Monarchs and adviser of Queen Isabella (which great confidence on it).

    d) What does she have to do with Madrid?
    Because after leaving the court he went to live in Madrid and founded the "hospital of America", convents or monasteries Concepción Concepción Francisca and Jerónima. The neighborhood where he lived in Madrid called him "The Latin Quarter" in his honor.


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