Answer the following questions about this chapter:

1. When did Granada surrender (day, month and year)?

2. What words did Boabdil say just before giving Ferdinand the keys to the Alhambra

3. What was the Archbishop of Granada's name who forced Muslims to convert to Christianity?

4. There is a mistake in our book, you can see in the last line on page 40 "The moriscos were finally expelled from Spain by Philip III in 1614". What is wrong in that sentence?

5. Why is a place called "The Moor's Last Sigh" known with such a curious name?


1. When was the Inquisition established in Castile?

2. What was an auto de fe?

3. What happened to the Jews in Castile and Aragon?

4. What happened if an accused died before the Inquisition trial was finished?

5. Explain two different torture methods used by the Inquisition.

You can see really nice images of La Alhambra in this video. In the minute 5:42 Boabdil gave Ferdinand the keys to La Alhambra.



  1. Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 2ºB7 March 2014 at 13:38

    1. Granada was surrender and gave the keys to the Alhambra palace to Ferdinand on 2 January 1492.
    2. "Yours we are, invincible king; we deliver this city and kingdom to you, trusting that you will treat us with mercy and moderation".
    3. The Archbishop of Granada, Hernando de Talavera didn't force the Muslims to convert to Christianity, but Isabella's personal confessor, Archbishop Cisneros of Toledo force the Muslims to convert to Christianity. This happened in 1499.
    4. The mistake is in the date. The correct phrase would be this: The moriscos were finally expelled from Spain by Philip III in 1609.
    5. Because when he took one last look at the beautiful Alhambra Palace and began to cry, and his mother, Aisha is then said to have told him off. She supposedly said "Cry, cry like a woman for what you could not defend as a man!
    1. The Inquisition was established in Castile in 1478.
    2. An auto de fe was a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt. In Seville, 700 conversos were burnt at the stake, and another 5000 were punished in other ways between 1480 and 1488.
    3. Ferdinand and Isabella ordered all Jews to convert to Christianity or be expelled from Castile and Aragon. The Jews fled to Portugal, and then, they as part of a marriage agreement with Spain, they went to North Africa, Italy and the Eastern Mediterranean. These Jews lost huge amounts of property and money as well, and Castile lost some of its most talented citizens, who had helped make the kingdom rich and powerful.
    4. His or her effigy would be burnt instead.
    5. Torture methods:
    - The toca: a cloth was forced into the accused’s mouth, and water was poured onto it so that the accused felt they were drowning.
    - The potro: the accused was tied to a rack and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles, causing intense pain.

    Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 2ºB

  2. sandra zarco 2ºB9 March 2014 at 12:20

    chapter 4:
    1: In the year 1942 month januari and the day two.
    2:Take the keys to my city, i and we are are yours withing.
    3:The archbishop Cineros, in 1499.
    4:The mistake in our book is that the king Philip ||| wosn't who explled the moriscos in from Spain, were the Catholic Monarchs.
    5:Because in this place the king Boabdil took one look at the beautiful Alhambra Palace and began to cry.
    CHAPTER 5:
    1:The Inquisition was an organisation with special powers to investigate and find eretics.
    2:It was a public ceremony in which they were acused and sometimes burt.
    3:Jews were blamed for natural disasters, accused of killing babies and even suspected of canibalism, made to live in certain jobs, and were ofter forced to take unpopular work such as moneylending and they blamed for crime that they haven't to do.
    Finaly ,in march 1492-two months ofter the conquest of granada -Fernidand and Isabella ordered all Jews to convent to Christianity.
    4:His her effigy waild be burrt instead.
    5:a)The toca:a colth was forced into the accused's mouth ,and water was poured anto it o that the accused felt they were drowning.
    b)The potro:the acused was tied to rock and pulled aport at the wrist and ankles, causing intense pain.

  3. Enrique Alcázar 2ºA11 March 2014 at 08:40

    Chapter 4:
    1.Granada surrendered on 2 January 1492.
    2."I really have no idea where I left those keys.
    3.Hernando de Talavera. In 1499
    4.The moriscos were expelled in 1609, but no in 1614.
    5. Because Boabdil take a sigh and his wife Aisha told him off: "Cry like a woman for what you could not defend as a men".

    Chapter 5:
    1.In 1478
    2.It was a public ceremony in which they accused and sometimes burnt.
    3.The Jews had to leave Catile and Aragon because they were not Christians.
    4.The effigy of the accused would be burnt instead.
    5.Burning people at the stake or If the accused confessed, he/she would be garroted first for a quicjer death.

  4. Verónica García Montoya 2ºB11 March 2014 at 15:29


    1. When did Granada surrender (day, month and year)?
    On 2 January 1492.

    2. What words did Boabdil say just before giving Ferdinand the keys to the Alhambra
    Boabdill said: Yours we are, invincible king; we deliver this city and kingdom to you, trusting that you will treat us with mercy and moderation.

    3. What was the Archbishop of Granada's name who forced Muslims to convert to Christianity?
    He called Cisneros de Toledo. In 1499.

    4. There is a mistake in our book, you can see in the last line on page 40 "The moriscos were finally expelled from Spain by Philip III in 1614". What is wrong in that sentence?
    In this sentence the date is wrong the true date is 1609.

    5. Why is a place called "The Moor's Last Sigh" known with such a curious name?
    Because the legend has it that when Boabdill left Granada with his family, he took one last look at the beautiful Alhambra Palace and began to cry. His mother Aisha is then said to have told him off, she supposedly said: Cry, cry like a woman for what you couldn't defend as a man.


    1. When was the Inquisition established in Castile?
    In 1478.

    2. What was an auto de fe?
    Was a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt.

    3. What happened to the Jews in Castile and Aragon?
    In an age when there was little education and understanding of other cultures, antisemitism, or the hatred of the Jews was very strong. Jews were blamed for natural disasters, accused of killing babies and even suspected of cannibalism.

    4. What happened if an accused died before the Inquisition trial was finished?
    His or her effigy would be burnt instead.

    5. Explain two different torture methods used by the Inquisition.
    The toca: A cloth was forced into the accused's mouth and water was poured onto it so that the accused felt they were drowning.
    The potro: The accused was tied to a rack and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles, causing intense pain.

  5. Andrea Saiz. 2º B13 March 2014 at 16:06

    1. When did Granada surrender (day, month and year)?

    2 January, 1492.
    2. What words did Boabdil say just before giving Ferdinand the keys to the Alhambra.

    ‘Yours we are, invincible king; we deliver this city and kingdoms to you , trusting that you will treat us with mercy and moderation’

    3. What was the Archbishop of Granada's name who forced Muslims to convert to Christianity?

    Hernando de Talavera didn’t force the Muslims to convert to Christianity. The Archbishop of Toledo (Cisneros) was who forced Muslims to convert to Christianity.


    In 1499

    4. There is a mistake in our book, you can see in the last line on page 40 "The moriscos were finally expelled from Spain by Philip III in 1614". What is wrong in that sentence?

    The moriscos were finally expelled from Spain by Philip III in 1609.

    5. Why is a place called "The Moor's Last Sigh" known with such a curious name?

    Because he look at the beautiful Alhambra Palace began to cry.


    1. When was the Inquisition established in Castile?

    In year 1478.

    2. What was an auto de fe?

    Many people convicted by the Inquisition had to go through an a public ceremony in which they were accused and sometimes burnt.
    3. What happened to the Jews in Castile and Aragon?

    Ferdinand and Isabella ordered all Jews to convert to Christianity or de expelled from Castile and Aragon. Somebody went a Portugal (without money or houses), and other Jews converted to Christianity and they live in Castile and Aragon.
    4. What happened if an accused died before the Inquisition trial was finished?

    If the accused died before the trial was finished, his or her effigy would be burnt instead.

    5. Explain two different torture methods used by the Inquisition.

    -The toca: a cloth was forced into the accused’s mouth, and water was poured onto it so that the accused felt they were drowning.

    The potro: the accused was tied to a rack and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles, causing intense pain.

  6. Miguel Moya. 2º A13 March 2014 at 16:07

    1. When did Granada surrender (day, month and year)?

    Granada surrendered on 2nd January 1492.

    2. What words did Boabdil say just before giving Ferdinand the keys to the Alhambra

    Boabdil said: “Yours we are, invincible King, we deliver this city and kingdom to you, trusting that you treat us with mercy and moderation”

    3. What was the Archbishop of Granada's name who forced Muslims to convert to Christianity?

    Hernando of Talavera (Archbishop of Granada) didn’t force the Muslims to convert to Christianity, Archbishop Cisneros of Toledo caused rebellions by forcing Muslims to convert to Christianity.


    In 1499.

    4. There is a mistake in our book, you can see in the last line on page 40 "The moriscos were finally expelled from Spain by Philip III in 1614". What is wrong in that sentence?

    I’m not sure, could it be the date? I think the correct date would be between 1609 and 1613.

    5. Why is a place called "The Moor's Last Sigh" known with such a curious name?

    Because in this place, Boabdil I (before leaving), took one last look at the Alhambra Palace and began to cry.


    1. When was the Inquisition established in Castile?

    The Inquisition was established in Castile in 1478.

    2. What was an auto de fe?

    An auto de fe was a public ceremony in which the people were accused and sometimes burnt. In this ceremony, the guilty could show their repentance, which could reduce them the punishments.

    3. What happened to the Jews in Castile and Aragon?

    That some Jews converted to Christianity and did can to live in Castile and Aragon and other much Jews were expelled from Castile and Aragon and they lost their lands, houses or money.

    4. What happened if an accused died before the Inquisition trial was finished?

    That his or her effigy would be burnt instead.

    5. Explain two different torture methods used by the Inquisition.

    · The potro: the accused was tied to a rack and pulled apart at the wrists and ankles, causing intense pain.

    · The toca: a cloth was forced into the accused’s mouth, and water was poured onto it so that the accused felt they were drowning.


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