Watch this video and answer these questions:

a) Which one is the largest pyramid in Egypt?
b) Describe the Great Sphinx.
c) Why do you think Egyptians tried to preserve their bodies after death?
d) What does it mean to embalm?
e) Which was the first step of the mummification process?
f) Which body organs were removed from the body?
g) Was the heart removed? Why?
h) How was the brain removed from the body?
i) After having removed the organs, what happened with the rest of the body? How was it dried? How long?
j) What is a mummy?
k) What is a sarcophagus?
l) Which one was the most important God for the Egyptians?
m) Osiris was the ruler of...
n) Which animals were considered holy in Ancient Egypt?
o) The main crops in Ancient Egypt were...


  1. Celia Hortelano / 1º C-D22 April 2019 at 05:57

    a) The Great Pyramid of Giza.

    b)It looks like a sitting lion with human’s head.

    c)Because the ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife. They thought that if you preserve the human body after his death, his soul would live forever.

    d)Embalming is the process of preserving a body after death an embalmed body was protected from rotting and falling apart.

    e)First the corpse was robbed with scented palm oil.

    f)The organs removed were liver, lungs, stomach and intestines.

    g)Because the ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was necessary in the afterlife.

    h)The brain was dead taken out through the nose with a hook.

    i)All these organs were placed into separate jars with specific solutions to dry out the remaining body but then covered and filled with salts to dry it out completely. 40 days later the embalmer wash the body and rubbed it with oil.

    j) The completely wrap body is called Mummy.

    k) The Mummy is placed into a decorated coffin called sarcophagus.

    l) The most important God is Amon-Ra, the sun God.

    m) Osiris is the ruler of the day.

    n) The holy animals were cats, crocodiles, snakes and storks.

    o) The main crops of Egypt were barley, grapes, wheat and date palms.

  2. Pablo Peña / 1º D23 April 2019 at 14:12

    I´m Pablo Peña (1ºD). It´s my work about the Ancient Egypt. I hope that you like it. Bye.

    Watch this video and answer these questions:

    a) Which one is the largest pyramid in Egypt?
    The biggest Egyptian pyramid is known as the Great Pyramid or the Pyramid of Cheops.

    b) Describe the Great Sphinx.
    The Great Sphinx it looks like a fitting lion with a human's head

    c) Why do you think Egyptians tried to preserve their bodies after death?
    Egyptians believed that the pharaohs were a link between humans and gods

    d) What does it mean to embalm?
    Is the process of preserving a body after death an embalmed body was protected from rotting and falling apart

    e) Which was the first step of the mummification process?
    First the corpse was rubbed with scented palm oil and washed

    f) Which body organs were removed from the body?
    The liver, lungs stomach and intestines

    g) Was the heart removed? Why?
    The heart was not removed like the other organs ancient Egyptians, because the believed that the heart was necessary in the afterlife

    h) How was the brain removed from the body?
    The brain was then taken out through the nose with a hook

    i) After having removed the organs, what happened with the rest of the body? How was it dried? How long?
    All these organs were placed into separate jars with specific solutions to dry out the remaining body was then covered and filled results to dry it out completely 40 days later

    j) What is a mummy?
    The completely wrapped body is called the mummy

    k) What is a sarcophagus?
    A decorated coffin

    l) Which one was the most important God for the Egyptians?
    The most important one was the Sun God

    m) Osiris was the ruler of... of the dead

    n) Which animals were considered holy in Ancient Egypt? Cats meanly, and crocodiles snakes and storks

    o) The main crops in Ancient Egypt were...
    Barley wheat grapes and date-palms

  3. Miguel Arcas /1º A23 April 2019 at 14:13

    A) The Great Pyramid or the Pyramid of Cheops.
    B) They were like lions with human face.
    C) Beacuse they think there was another live.
    D) Treat a corpse with certain characteristics or perform in various operations to prevent it from becoming corrupted.
    E) The corpse was rubbed with scented palm oil and washed.
    F) Stomach and intestines.
    G) No beacuse they think the heart was necessary for the other live.
    H) With a hook.
    I) Remaining body was then covered and filled results to dry it out completely during 40 days.
    J)The completely wrapped body.
    K) A decorated coffin.
    L) Raw, good of the sun.
    M) ... the dead
    N) Cats, crocodiles, snakes and storks.
    O) ... barley, wheat, date palms.

  4. These are my answers of the excercise and Im Elsa García from 1ºA
    A) The pyramid of Cheops
    B) It is a building that looks like a fitting lion with human´s head
    C) Because they believed in reincarnation and they believed too that if they conserved the bodies after their death the soul could live for ever
    D) It is the process of preserving after death
    E) The first step was to rub the body with palm oil and wash it
    F) They removed the lungs, stomach and intestines
    G) No because they believed that the heart was the Fountain of Life
    H) They removed it through the nose with a hook
    I) They dried the body covering and filling results on it and letting it 40 days
    J) A mummy is a body of someone that is wrapped in strips of cloth
    K) A sarcophagus is a decorate cuffing in which mummies are inside
    L) It was the Sun God, almond raw
    M) Of the death
    N) The holy animals in Egypt where cats, crocodiles, snakes and storks
    O) Barley, wheat, grapes and date-palms

  5. Elsa García Martínez / 1º ESO A-B25 April 2019 at 13:45

    A) The pyramid of Cheops

    B) It is a building that looks like a fitting lion with human´s head

    C) Because they believed in reincarnation and they believed too that if they conserved the bodies after their death the soul could live for ever

    D) It is the process of preserving after death

    E) The first step was to rub the body with palm oil and wash it

    F) They removed the lungs, stomach and intestines

    G) No because they believed that the heart was the Fountain of Life

    H) They removed it through the nose with a hook

    I) They dried the body covering and filling results on it and letting it 40 days

    J) A mummy is a body of someone that is wrapped in strips of cloth

    K) A sarcophagus is a decorate cuffing in which mummies are inside

    L) It was the Sun God, almond raw

    M) Of the death

    N) The holy animals in Egypt where cats, crocodiles, snakes and storks

    O) Barley, wheat, grapes and date-palms

    these are the answers from the voluntary excersice Im Elsa García from 1ºA

  6. Hello Joaquina the answer of the video are:

    a)Great Pyramid.
    b)Is like a fitting lion with a human's head.
    c)Because they thought there was another life after the death.
    d)An embalm is a process to preserve the bodies before the death.
    e)The first step is that the corpse was rubbed with scented palm, oil and washed.
    f)The stomach, liver, intestines and lungs.
    g)No, because they thought that the heart is necesary for the other live.
    h)The brain was taken out through the nose with a hook.
    i)the rest of the body it is cavered and filled results to dry it out completely, the body takes 40 days to dry.
    j)It is the completly wrapped body with bandajes.
    k)It is a coffin decorated with engravings of hieroglyphs and spouse.
    l)The most important god is the Sun God called Amon-Ra.
    m)Orisis is the ruler of the dead.
    n)Cats, crocodiles, snakes and storks.
    o)Barley, wheat, date palms and grapes.

    By Sandra Mariano 1ºB

  7. a) The Great pyramid or the pyramid of Cheops.
    b) It´s a sculpture of a lion with a human head.
    c) Because they believed in an afterlife and a forever lifetime.
    d) Is the process to preserving a body after death.
    e) The corpse was rubbed with palm oil and washed.
    f) The liver, lungs, stomach, brain and intestines.
    g) No, because the ancient egyptians beleived that the heart is necessary in the aftherlife.
    h) Throught the nose with a hook.
    i) Was then covered and filled results to dry it out. 40 days later the embalmer washed the body and rubbed it with oils.
    j) A completely wrapped body.
    k) A decorated coffin with hieroglyphs.
    l) The Sun God or Amon-Ra.
    m) The dead.
    n) Crocodiles, snakes, storks and cats.
    o) Barley, wheat, grapes and date-palms.

  8. A)The pyramid of cheops.
    B)It looks like a fitting lion with a human head.
    C)Because they believed that his soul would live forever.
    D)Embalming is a process that served to preserve someone's body when they died.
    E)The first step is to cover the person with perfumed palm, oil and wash it.
    F)The liver, lungs, stomach and intestines.
    G)No, because the ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was necessary.
    H)The brain was then taken out through the nose with a hook.
    I)The body was covered and filled results to dry it out completely. 40 days.
    J)Is a completely wrapped body.
    K)A decorated coffin.
    L)I don't know.
    M)The gouverneur of the dead.
    N)Cats, crocodiles, snakes and storks.
    O)Barley, wheat, grapes and date-palms.

  9. Beatriz López Domínguez/1°D29 April 2019 at 11:14

    A) the crear pyramind le the pyramid of Cheops
    B) ir Kooks like a fitting Lion with a human's head
    C) Because they thought preserve the human body after his death his souls live forever
    D) Embalding is the procesos of preserving a body after dead
    E) The fiesta step was the corpse rubbed with scented palma oil and washed
    F) They remover the liver lungs stomach and intestines
    G) No,Because they thought that the heart was necessary un the afterlife beacuse it's Fountain of líder
    H)They use a hook yo remover the brain throught the nose while embalming bosques
    I) We're places into separate jara with specific solutions yo dry out the remaining body was the covered and Gilles results to dry it out completely 40 days later
    J) The mummy is the completely wrapped body
    K) The sarcophagus is placed into a decorated coffin
    L) Sun God
    M) the dead
    N) All Cats were considered yo ve holy animals
    O) Barley,Wheat and date-palms

  10. Sandra Hortelano Martinez 1º ESO B29 April 2019 at 12:58

    A - The Great Pyramid.
    B - It has the shape of a lion with a human head.
    C - Because the Egyptians thought they would die long after.
    D - Is the process to protect a body after die.
    E - Wash the dead.
    F - The organs that serve to live.
    G - Yes, because is necesary in the after life.
    H - It is removed through the nose with some irons.
    I - The rest of the body was salted for 40 days.
    J - Is the body wrapped in bandages.
    K - Is a box that protect the body.
    L - Amon - Ra.
    M - Dead people.
    N - The cat , snake and cocodriles.
    O - Barley, wheat, date palms and grapes.

  11. Anais Hortelano Martinez 1º ESO B29 April 2019 at 12:59

    A - The Great Pyramid.
    B - It has the shape of a lion with a human head.
    C - Because the Egyptians thought they would die long after.
    D - Is the process to protect a body after die.
    E - Wash the dead.
    F - The organs that serve to live.
    G - Yes, because is necesary in the after life.
    H - It is removed through the nose with some irons.
    I - The rest of the body was salted for 40 days.
    J - Is the body wrapped in bandages.
    K - Is a box that protect the body.
    L - Amon - Ra.
    M - Dead people.
    N - The cat , snake and cocodriles.
    O - Barley, wheat, date palms and grapes.


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