Chúpate esa! That was a sentence that people from Madrid dedicated to Fernando VII's second wife:

Looking at his husband's portraits, I don't know who was uglier! 

Let's talk about them: 

a) Which building is she pointing in her portrait? why?
b) How did she die? Were there some curious event in her death?
c) Talking about curiousities, do you know any about Fernando VII's penis?
d) There is other popular expression about Fernando VII (some people use it for Felipe II): "Así se las ponían...", could you explain it?


  1. Alicia Cuélliga López16 November 2017 at 14:42

    a) She is pointing "El museo del Prado".
    b)She died in the hands of doctors while they were performing a cesarean section. The curious event was that when she was pregnant of her son, she faded and the doctors thought that she was death so they decided practise a cesarean section. When the queen felt the instruments cutting her she started to should, the queen was alive but in these moment she died due to cesarea.
    c)Supposedly Fernando VII's penis was very large, like a sealing bar.
    d)There is a legend that say Fernando VII was very bad playing pool, so his opponents give him some facilities to play good. This is why this saying was created.

  2. Julia Moya Godoy 4ºB17 November 2017 at 15:32

    a) She is portait "El Museo Del Prado". Because she founded it.
    b) She died in childbirth in Aranjuez on 28th December 1818.She was a woman of difficult pregnancies and births. In the first death his daughter, and in the second his health is so diminished that nobody bet for it. Even so he endured, and in childbirth it became so bad that he was in a bad state that he lost consciousness. The doctors who attended at that time thought that it was not a fading, but the death of a pregnant queen, so they decided to perform a cesarean section after saving the future.What they did not expect was the queen, when she felt the "instruments" that opened her skin, they shouted and did not stop screaming. She was not dead, but the Galeños almost died of fright.Although they tried to recover the damage, it was already done and there was no going back. They killed her for believing that she was already dead ... And if that was not enough, the son who was about to be born could not be saved either.
    c)Fernando VII, called El Deseado, had a penis of such dimensions that his doctors produced a circular pillow with a central hole so that it could penetrate Queen María Cristina without provoking tears or major ills.
    d)The expression 'Así se las ponían a Fernando VII' began to be used to refer to the facilities that are given to someone when executing a project, examine or perform some task without any complications.

  3. A) The Prado Museum. Because she was the founder of this museum.
    B) She died in the birth of her second daughter. During the delivery, they left her for dead and decided to perform a caesarean section to remove the baby but when they removed the baby they realized that she had not died yet.
    C) He had a penis that was too big.
    D) The expression 'Así se las ponian así' began to be used to refer to the facilities that are given to someone when executing a project, examine or perform some task without any complications.

  4. Javier Girón Hortelano18 November 2017 at 01:28


    a)The Prado Museum. Because she was the founder of it.

    b)She died during the birth of one of her children. During the birth, she lost the consciousness and the doctors thought that she was dead. They decided to make her the caesarean section, but the girl was died. When they removed the girl, the mother shouted, so she wasn’t dead as the doctors thought making her a massacre.

    c)His penis was extremely big and his glans were also big.

    d)Ferdinand VII always won the pool hands but it wasn’t because he was a very good player, he was so bad, it was because people left him to win. This expression started to be used to refer to the ease at the time of doing something without any complications.

  5. Álvaro Mondéjar Hortelano 4ºA
    a)She is pointing "El Museo del Prado". Because she build it.
    b)In the birth. The doctors thought that she was death but when they went to take out the child she scream
    c)He has a very big penis.
    d)Fernando VII was very fond of billiards but he played very badly, but his opponent was afraid of him and let him win. This Expression is used to refer to the facilities that are given to someone to perform any task without any complication.

    a. Apunta el museo del Padro, porque lo fundó ella
    b. Murió de parto. Los médicos pensaban que, dando a luz, María Isabel habia muerto y le hicieron una cesárea para intentar salvar al hijo, pero al abrirle María Isabel empeó a gritar ya que no le haban puesto anestesia, no había muerto!!Pero tras esto María falleció
    c. El pene de Fernando VII era gigante.
    d. Porque a él le gustaba mucho jugar al bollar, pero era muy malo, y como era el Rey nadie se atrevía a ganarle y ganaba siempre aún siendo malo ya que les dejaban unas jugadas muy buenas.

  7. Teresa Rubio Martínez19 November 2017 at 13:05

    a. The Prado Museum. Because she was the founder.
    b. She died in her delivery. The doctors believed that she was dead, they made her cesarean to remove the baby and then she died.
    c. He had a deformity in the penis called genital macrosomia, his phallus was disproportionately long and his glans was huge.
    d. That expression is because Ferdinand liked to play pool but he played very badly, they always let him win.

  8. Teresa Rubio Martínez19 November 2017 at 13:06

    a. The Prado Museum. Because she was the founder.
    b. She died in her delivery. The doctors believed that she was dead, they made her cesarean to remove the baby and then she died.
    c. He had a deformity in the penis called genital macrosomia, his phallus was disproportionately long and his glans was huge.
    d. That expression is because Ferdinand liked to play pool but he played very badly, they always let him win.

  9. José Antonio Navarro Ortiz 4º A19 November 2017 at 13:20

    a. The Prado museum, because from she started the initiative to gather the works of art that the Spanish monarchs had treasured and create a real museum, the future Prado Museum.
    b. Queen Isabel died at the Royal Palace of Aranjuez due to the complications of her second birth, which had been preceded by a difficult pregnancy. The delivery was extremely laborious; at one point the queen lost consciousness without recovering it and the doctors believed her dead. They decided then to perform a cesarean to remove the baby, a dead girl. When they extracted the girl she carried in her womb and who was born without life, the mother threw such a cry, which stated that she had not yet died, as the doctors believed, which made her a frightful carnage.
    c. He had a genital hypertrophy, a malformation that made sexual intercourse very difficult.
    d. He was a great lover of billiards, he played a lot, but he was very bad and his opponents left him the balls so that he would not fail and thus have no problems with the monarch.
    When we say that "Así se las ponían a Fernando VII" we refer to someone who has had many facilities to carry out an action, not finding the slightest complication to achieve its purpose


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