Guess who this person is and write a small summary about this person's life.

a) He/She was a butcher's child.

b) Opposed to the death penalty, and a republican, proposed to defend Louis Capet (Louis XVI's name as a citizen) and to spare him from the scaffold.

c) He/She was an abolitionist. He/she made proposals to reform the marriage.

d) He/She had her/his trial in the month of Brumaire, Year II of the Republic, He/She was charged with sedition.

e) He/She was accused of having prepared a text or posters contrary to the revolution and the desire of the entire France.

f) He/She was executed by guillotine in the month of Brumaire.

g) His/her most important masterpiece is dedicated to the Queen Marie Antoinette.

h) "Man, are you capable of being fair?"


  1. She began her career as a playwright in the early 1780s. As political tension rose in France, Olympe de Gouges became increasingly politically engaged. She became an outspoken advocate for improving the condition of slaves in the colonies of 1788. At the same time, she began writing political pamphlets. Today she is perhaps best known as an early feminist who demanded that French women be given the same rights as French men. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (1791), she challenged the practice of male authority and the notion of male-female inequality. She was executed by guillotine during the Reign of Terror for attacking the regime of the Revolutionary government and for her close relation with the Girondists.

  2. Alejandro López Herrera 4ºB1 November 2017 at 13:09

    Marie Gouze was her real name and surname, however, she was better known as Olimpia de Gouges.

    He married at age fifteen with a certain Aubry, who died shortly after, leaving him some 70,000 francs of income. He then went to Paris, where he took the name of Olympia de Gouges and devoted himself to literature.

    At the outbreak of the French Revolution, he initially adopted his ideas, but later he fought the Terror system. It is said that he had tried to take charge of the defense of Louis XVI, and that being the executed king sent an insulting letter to Robespierre, which delivered Olympia to the revolutionary court, which condemned her to die in the guillotine.

    He wrote a large number of works for the theater, such as Zamore and Myrza, Lucinda and Cardenio, Marriage of Chububin, The Generous Man, The Corrected Philosopher and Molière in Ninon's House, of which only the first, of abolitionist ideology, She managed to be admitted to the French Comedy, and was represented in 1789 with the title Slavery of the Blacks or Happy Shipwreck.

  3. Julia Moya Godoy 4ºB4 November 2017 at 08:45

    She is Olympe de Gouges born Marie Gouze. She was a French playwright and political activist whose feminist and abolitionist writings reached a large audience.She began her career as a playwright in the early 1780s. As political tension rose in France, Olympe de Gouges became increasingly politically engaged. She became an outspoken advocate for improving the condition of slaves in the colonies of 1788. At the same time, she began writing political pamphlets. Today she is perhaps best known as an early feminist who demanded that French women be given the same rights as French men. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (1791), she challenged the practice of male authority and the notion of male-female inequality. She was executed by guillotine during the Reign of Terror for attacking the regime of the Revolutionary government and for her close relation with the Girondists.

  4. Javier Girón Hortelano4 November 2017 at 09:25

    She was Olympe de Gouges.
    She began her career as a playwright in the early 1780s. As political tension rose in France, she became increasingly politically engaged. She became an outspoken advocate for improving the condition of slaves in the colonies of 1788. In her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (1791), she challenged the practice of male authority and the notion of male-female inequality. She was executed by guillotine during the Reign of Terror for attacking the regime of the Revolutionary government and for her close relation with the Girondists.

    Javier Girón Hortelano 4ºB

  5. Alicia Cuélliga López5 November 2017 at 10:16

    She was Olympe de Gouges also known as Marie Gouze. She wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women and of the Citizen in 1791. She defend to the Girondines and due to she was guillotined. Her father was butcher and her mother was daughter of a fabric dealer. She was married in 1765 with an older man and had got one child, Pierre Aubry. She started to wrote some plays which later were representated in theaters, her most important play is "
    the slavery of the blacks". She was imprisoned but her friends helped to her to go out the prison, although some years later she went back to the prison in which she had got an infected wound, asked for a transfer to another prison to make his sentence more bearable and 48 hours after her Girondin friends were executed, they took her to court without a lawyer, in which she defended herself intelligently. And because of defend a federated state, was executed. Her son regened of her because he had got fear of being stopped. But she gave a big step in the history of women's rights.

  6. Teresa Rubio / 4º B5 November 2017 at 13:41

    Olimpia de Gouges.
    She was a writer, dramatist, pamphleteer and French political philosopher. She was a feminist, and like many feminists of her time, she was an abolitionist. She died guillotined.


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