When Giuseppe Verdi died in January 1901, almost a quarter of a million people took to the streets, marching to Va, Pensiero from Nabucco – better known as the Chorus of Hebrew Slaves. It is difficult to imagine any country today in national mourning over the death of a classical composer. 

a) Can you imagine what has to do the Chorus of Hebrew Slaves "Va pensiero" by Verdi and the slogan "Viva VERDI!" with the topics we are studying currently in our classes?

b) Do you know which politician compared laws to sausages? Tell me the exact quote.

Now, we change the topic.

c) Who are these soldiers? Where were they? Why?

d) Explain this caricature: 


  1. Hello there, here are my answers:
    a) "Va pensiero" shows the Hebrew's wish to return to their land and be free from Babylon. Italy took this chorus from Verdi as a popular anthem, as they felt represented by the feelings it expresses (nationalism).
    b) "Laws are like sausages, better not to know how they are made". This quote is related to Otto von Bismarck, Prussian chancellor, that was one of the German Unification's leader.
    c) In the picture, we can see the One Hundred Thousand Sons of San Luis, army sent by France and the Holy Alliance to Spain in order to end up with the liberalist sovereignty in the country.
    d) The caricature depicts Luis XVIII, king of France after Napoleon's Empire, trying to imitate him in what influence and power means ("trying to put his boots on"). As the title shows, he may be preparing their men to the Spanish Campaign (ordered by the Holy Alliance). Behind the king, we can see Napoleon II, trying to take the crown away from his owner.

  2. Alejandro García 4ºA6 November 2018 at 08:05

    A)The slogan Viva Verdi in fact it was not a spontaneous tribute to the musician, but it is an acronym with a political meaning: VERDI meant "Vittorio Emmanuele Re d'Italia", thus mocking the Austrian.
    B)John Godfrey Saxe was that person, he said: Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made
    C) They are The One Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis they were a French contingent with Spanish volunteers in the picture were helping Spain ending the Realist War and the Liberal Triennium
    D)The Old Wobbling Head XVIII trying on Napoleon's boots - or preparing for the campaign in Spain), British satirical caricature of King Louis XVIII, with Napoleon II behind him wanting to take his crown

  3. Julia Saiz / 4º A-B10 November 2018 at 07:35

    a) Can you imagine what has to do the Chorus of Hebrew Slaves "Va pensiero" by Verdi and the slogan
    "Viva VERDI!" with the topics we are studying currently in our classes?
    Nabucco was reselased in 1842 and it expressed a strong patriotic feeling, just like the feeling that
    Italians had against Austria.
    Italian people started to use the chorus of slaves as a symbol of their resistance and people started to
    paint “Viva Verdi!” in the walls. It was a acronym that meant “Vittorio Emmanuele Re d
    Finally, in 1861 Italia beat Austria and became an united country.
    b) “Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made."
    The original quote was said by John Godfrey Saxe, but is frequentlyattrobuted
    to Otto Von Bismark.
    d)They are Louis XVIII and Napoleon II.
    Louis say that despite the “bears grease”, referring to the support of Russia, He
    can't put on the Napoleon boots. And Napoleon II is prepared in case of the
    Bourbon crown “fall"


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