Let's continue with another woman, a real lioness. 

a) Who was she? 
b) Who was her husband? When did he die?
c) Why were they important?


  1. Enrique Alcázar 2ºA19 May 2014 at 08:07

    1. She was María Pacheco, called "La Leona de Castilla". She was born in Granada, 1496, ans she was died in Oporto, Portugal, 1531. She was the daughter of Iñigo López de Mendoza y Quiñones and Juana Pacheco.

    2. Her husband was Juan de Padilla. She died in 1521.

    3. She is important because shw was a Spanish Noble. He was very important, because he was a Castilian nobleman and revolutionary, known for his participation in the War of the Communities of Castile. She married with María Pacheco when she was 15. and he was 20. When his father died in 1518, succeeded to the position of captain of the militia of Toledo, where the couple moved. Probably angry that King Charles I was not granted a position to which he believed he had hereditary right, and perhaps instigated by his wife, joined the discontented with the king in 1520 and opposed the granting of service the king asked the Castile to fund their campaigns in Europe.

    More information in http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_de_Padilla

  2. Verónica García 2ºB19 May 2014 at 10:38

    a) Who was she?
    She was María Pacheco, She was born in Granada daughter of Inigo Lopez de Mendoza and Quiñones (First Marquis of Mondejar and second Earl of Tendilla) and Francisca Pacheco (daughter of Juan Pacheco, Marquis of Villena I).

    b) Who was her husband? When did he die?
    It was wife of the comunero General Juan de Padilla. He died in Villalar, Valladolid, 24 of april of 1521 in the battle of Villalar, he died decapitated.
    c) Why were they important?
    They were important because they participated in the revolt of the comuneros in Castille. After the death of her husband from Toledo assumed command of the revolt of the Comunidades de Castilla until capitulated to King Charles I in February 1522.

  3. Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 2ºB20 May 2014 at 07:40

    a) She was Maria Pacheco (Comunera de Castilla).
    b) Her husband was Juan de Padilla. In 1511, they married and in the year 1516 his only son, Peter, died child were born. That year also died King Ferdinand and is named king of Castile and Aragon the future Emperor Charles I. Padilla was decapitated one day after having been a prisoner (24 of April of 1521).
    c) In the absence of her husband, Maria governs Toledo until the arrival on the 29 of March of the Bishop Acuña, when forced to share power with her. Upon learning that her husband died, Maria fell ill and she dress for mourning.
    However, Maria Pacheco will lead the ultimate strength of the Communities in Toledo. Manager from home first and then from the Alcazar, resistance to the royalist troops, parking supporters at the gates of the city and sending Yepes bring artillery from implanting contributions and naming captains Toledo comuneras troops. After defeated of Madrid on the 7th of May, only resisted Toledo.
    The Bishop Acuña flees the 25th of May, trying to get to France. Part of the rivalry with Acuña was due to his intention to achieve Toledo, Primate of Spain miter that Maria wished for his brother Francisco de Mendoza.
    Maria came to aim the guns against the Alcazar of Toledo. The 6th of October, entering kneeling in the Sanctuary of the Cathedral , there is the money that has to pay the troops .

    The 1st of September of 1521, there was a bombing. The 25th of October of 1521 a favorable truce to the besieged, called armistice Sisla, so that the villagers evacuated the Alcazar was signed, although it retains weapons and control of the city. This unstable situation culminated the 3rd of February of 1522, with a new uprising in the city, in which Maria Pacheco and his followers take the fortress and free the prisoners commoners. However, the uprising is crushed by the royalist troops the next day. Thanks to the agreement of some of his familiars, Maria Pacheco manages to flee disguised as the city with his young son and went into exile in Portugal.
    Finally, she died in March of 1531. She was buried in the cathedral of Oporto, the refusal of Charles I to his remains moved to Villalar, to rest beside those of Juan de Padilla, her husband.

    Interesting websites:


  4. 1) she is Maria Pacheco
    2)a her husband is Juan de Padilla
    2) b she died in 1531
    3) She is important because after the death of her husband from Toledo took command of the revolt of the Comunidades de Castilla until Emperor Charles capitulated in February 1522.


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