We are talking in Citizenship about Gender Equality, so we cannot forget women who were important during the Conquest and Colonization of América.

It is said that the first woman in América was María Fernández, she went to América during Colombus' second trip. 

a) Who was she? Why was she important? Who is the man who is seated?

b) What about María de Estrada? Who was she? Why was she important?

c) Francisco Pizarro married two Inca princesses. Who were they? Were they relatives?

d) Pizarro's first wife fell in love with a page and Pizarro let her marry him. What was this page's name?


  1. Ainoa Carnicero. 2º B24 April 2014 at 12:59

    a) She was the Malinche. She was assigned as a slave to the Mayan cacique of Tabasco after a war between the Mayans and the Aztecs Potonchan. Malinche was part of a loan to chief Tabscoob tribute, to be the winner, because that was the tradition then. It was given as a tribute even as a child, so fluent their native language, nahuatl, and the language of their new masters, Maya. Malinche met again with his mother and half-brother after the conquest of Mexico, when they were converted to Christianity and used the names of Marta (mother) and Lazarus (half-brother). Malinche’s father died, so her mother married the brother of the father of Malinche, and Lazarus was the fruit of this marriage. As such slave was given to Hernan Cortes by Chief Tabscoob. After baptize and to impose the name “Marina" was given in turn to Alonso Hernández, Cortés discovered Malinche spoke Nahuatl and began using it as Nahuatl - Mayan interpreter, dealing Jerónimo de Aguilar Translation maya- Spanish. The man that is sitting I think that it's Hernán Cortés.

  2. Ainoa Carnicero. 2º B24 April 2014 at 12:59

    b) Maria Estrada participated with Cortés in the conquest of Mexico. She participated in wars and fought bravely during the battle of Otumba. She was married Pedro Sánchez Farfán, who received the task of Tetela Volcano. In her past in Spain, it is difficult to know where legend ends and reality begins or vice versa. There is a story that could have been real:

    Mary was a Jewish girl who lived in Toledo and at age 8 could read the Castilian, Hebrew and Latin perfectly.
    One day, his grandfather, the doctor Pérez, receives a Gypsy, (she was called Roma), to ask for help for her grandson, Paco, who has a severe visual impairment . The doctor gives her a kind of lenses, which help in something besides decreased and Mary teaches he to read. Roma want to pay, but the doctor doesn’t accept her payment.
    Perez is falsely accused and given his Jewishness is easy prey for the Inquisition, he calls to Rome in exchange of that debt with her, and he asks that she take care of her granddaughter (Mary).
    The girl will never again see his family and learns to temper Gypsies use swords and guns. In Seville, Mary is thrown into an unfortunate circumstance, as a noble lady, not satisfied with his prediction and accused witch nigh. Mary gives her bones in prison and is sentenced to death by hanging. However pregnant and this makes their execution be postponed.
    His adoptive grandmother, Roma, manages to get to her and suggest a possible way out of their miserable situation, as Paco, precisely because it taught him to read Mary read an edict of Ferdinand and Isabella to pardon some offenders to life they are ready to embark for America.
    In America, Mary meets two men who scored his life, Pedro Sánchez Farfán, with whom he was married and Hernán Cortés, with which she participated in the conquest of Mexico.
    Francisco Cervantes de Salazar, quote the words Maria Estrada went to Cortes, when after the famous episode of "The bad night", wanted to stay resting on Tlaxcala : "It’s well, sir captain, that women leave their husbands going to war, where they died and we die is that Indians understand why we are so brave Spanish to fight women know "
    After the conquest of Mexico was widowed, but she was married again with Martin Alonso, dying in 1550 in the city of Puebla. Rich and recognized, fought to the end , and didn’t hesitate to protest against King Charles I himself making them pay too much tax .
    However, returning to contempt and oblivion with which history has treated women, Cortés, with which maintained a great friendship and as stated above the rewarded for their services, not mentioned even once.

  3. Ainoa Carnicero. 2º B24 April 2014 at 13:01

    c) Francisco Pizarro was married, first with Quispe Sisa, daughter of the Inca emperor Huayna Capac. The conqueror was baptized she as Inés Huaylas, and had two children with her: Francisca Pizarro Yupanqui and Gonzalo. When Manco Inca revolts in Cuzco in 1536, she was accused of providing information to the Indians and has wanted to flee with chests full of gold and silver. Following this disagreements arise between her and Pizarro, leading them to the separation. Francisco Pizarro was married again, with Angelina Yupanqui, also sister of Huascar and Atahualpa (the Inca king). From this second marriage, the third son called Francisco Pizarro Yupanqui.
    In 1538, Inés Huaylas, and separated from Pizarro, was married with Francisco de Ampuero, with whom she had three sons home. On the death of Pizarro in 1541, in the will doesn’t mention Agnes, however yes to their children born in it.
    Wine ay my sister, my father's daughter, I love her very much" (Testimony of the seer Salcedo).
    d) The man who Inés Huaylas Yupanqui fell in love with was Ampuero Francisco, a handsome young man who had come with Hernando Pizarro and went on to work as a page of the governor, or maybe it was the same Francis who fell in love with another beautiful princess named Cuxirimay Occlo.

  4. a)She was the Malinche. She was an interpreter who was speaking náhuatl. He was Hernán Cortés.
    b)She was a Spanish woman who took part in the Conquest of Mexico.He justified before Hernán Cortés his will to accompany to the troops with these words: There is not good, mister captain, that Spanish women dexen to his husbands going to the war; where they will die we will die, and it is a reason that the Indians understand that we are so brave the Spanish who up to his wives can fight...
    c) Francisco Pizarro was married with Quispe Sisa, daughter of the Inca emperor Huayna Capac and Angelina Yupanqui.Yes, they were a family
    d)Huaylas Yupanqui was love for Ampuero Francisco.

  5. Andrea Saiz. 2º B7 May 2014 at 12:44


    a) Who was she? Why was she important? Who is the man who is seated?
    -She was the Malinche.
    -Interpreter and trusted person Hernán Cortés
    - The man who is seated is Hernán Cortés.
    b) What about María de Estrada? Who was she? Why was she important?
    - Maria Estrada was a Spanish woman who participated in the Spanish conquest of Mexico.
    c) Francisco Pizarro married two Inca princesses. Who were they? Were they relatives?
    -The first woman was Francisco Pizarro Quispe Sisa, daughter of the Inca emperor Huayna Capac. The second woman was Angelina Yupanqui, Atahualpa’s widow.
    -Yes, they are relatives, they were sisters in law.
    d) Pizarro's first wife fell in love with a page and Pizarro let her marry him. What was this page's name?
    - The page Francisco Pizarro’s first wife fell in love was Ampuero

  6. Andrea Saiz. 2º B7 May 2014 at 12:45

    1) Where is this place?

    It belongs to the square of San Clemente. The medallion is located on the facade of the tower of the old City of San Clemente.

    2) Who can she be? Why does she appear here?

    I think it's Isabel of Portugal.
    Because it is lady of this town.

    3) Tell me some data about her.
    She was the wife of Charles I. They married in Los Reales Alcazares Sevillanos. She was a beautiful, cultured and devout queen.

    4) When she died, who was in charge of her body? Do you know any anecdote about this fact?

    She died on May 1, 1539. (She is buried in the Royal Chapel of Granada).
    Francisco de Borja (who was in love with Isabel) is responsible to accompany the body of the queen to Granada and says, "He won’t serve again who may die." And that was how Francisco joined the company of Jesus to serve God and became a saint.

  7. Miguel Moya. 2º A8 May 2014 at 10:06

    a) Who was she?

    She was La Malinche, (Malinalli Tenépatl).

    Why was she important?

    She was very important because she helped Hernán Cortés to conquer México as a translator. Also, she explained him, the customs and cultura of natives.

    Who is the man who is seated?

    The man who sits in the drawing is Hernán Cortés.

    b) What about María de Estrada? Who was she? Why was she important?

    She was a Jewish heroine of the Spanish conquest of México. She was separated from her Jewish family while the expulsión of the Jews in Spain for the Catholic Monarchs and adopted by a gypsies family, who taught her to forge steel and use the sword. After, she was in jail and, when she was forgiven by an order of Catholic Monarchs with the women, she embarked to the New World with Hernán Cortés. She was one the first women soldier, For she can to travel with the expedition, she said to Hernán Cortés: Not good, sir Captain, Spanish women allow their husbands going to war, where they may to die, we will die and the indians understand that the Spanish are so brave that the women know how fight.

    c) Francisco Pizarro married two Inca princesses. Who were they?

    First, Pizarro married with Quispe Sisa (Inés Guaylas), after, he married with Cuxirimay Ocllo (Angelina Yupanqui).

    Were they relatives?

    Well, Quispe was half-sister of Atahualpa and Cuxirimay was widow of Atahualpa, then they were half-sister in law.

    d) Pizarro's first wife fell in love with a page and Pizarro let her marry him. What was this page's name?

    The page’s name was Francisco de Ampuero.

  8. Verónica García Montoya 2ºB14 May 2014 at 13:38

    a) Who was she? Why was she important? Who is the man who is seated?
    She was a Malinche. Because she interpreter and trusted, translate the language of this place. He was Hernán Cortés.

    b) What about María de Estrada? Who was she? Why was she important?
    She was a spanish women who participate in the conquest of México, she said a famous phrase: Not good, sir captain, Spanish women who leave their husbands going to war; where they may die we die, and that the Indians understand why we are so brave Spaniards to their wives know how to fight..."

    c) Francisco Pizarro married two Inca princesses. Who were they? Were they relatives?
    First, he was married with Quispe Sisa, she was daughter of the Inca emperor Huayna Capac and his second wife was Angelina Yupanqui. Yes, they were half-sisters.

    d) Pizarro's first wife fell in love with a page and Pizarro let her marry him. What was this page's name?
    She fell in love for Ampuero Francisco.


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