Some questions to improve your knowledge about the Reformation:
a) On which church did Martin Luther post his 95 Theses? When exactly?
b) What was the Edict of Worms?
c) Who was the first German prince to become protestant in 1525?
d) Luther married an ex-nun, what was her name?
e) In England, for which Acts did Henry VIII become the Head of the Church of England? when?
f) Between 1545 and 1563, there was an important Council in the Catholic Church. Which Pope convened this Council?


  1. a) At the doors of the Wittenberg Palace Church on 31 October 1517.

    b) The Edict of Worms was proclaimed on May 25, 1521 by Emperor Charles V and Cardinal Girolamo Aleandro, papal nuncio, against Luther, after the episode of the Diet of Worms in the early process known as the Protestant Reformation. It declared Luther a heretic, thus breaking the Lutheranism became official with the Catholic Church.

    c) The first German prince to become protestant in 1525 was Juan de Sajonia.

    d) Luther married an ex-nun call Catarina von Bohra.

    e) Henry VIII promulgated important legislation, such as several Acts of separation from the Church of Rome, to his appointment as supreme head of the Church of England, the Acts Union of 1535 and 1542, which united England and Wales as a single nation, buggery Act of 1533, first sodomy law in England and the witchcraft Act of 1542, which punished with death witchcraft

    f) This Council was convened by Pope Paul III in 1542.

    Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 2ºB

  2. a) At the doors of the Wittenberg Palace Church the 31 of October, 1517.

    b) The Edict of Worms was proclaimed the 25 of May,1521 by the Emperor of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and Cardinal Girolamo Aleandro, papal nuncio, against Luther, after the episode of the Diet of Worms in the early process known as Protestant Reformation. It declared Luther a heretic, thus breaking the Lutheranism became official with the Catholic Church.

    c) It was Fernando III de Sajonia, son of Ernesto de Sajonia. He was a supporter German preacher of the Reformation of Luther.

    d) Her name was Catarina von Bohra

    e) Promulgated important legislation, such as several of separation from the Church of Rome, to his appointment as supreme head of the Church of England , the Acts Union of 1535 and 1542, which united England and Wales as a single nation, buggery Act of 1533, first sodomy law in England and the witchcraft Act of 1542, which punished with death witchcraft. They were also called The Acts of Supremacy.

    f) Paul III convened the Council.

    Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 2ºB

  3. Coral Segovia Galindo 2ºB22 February 2014 at 05:41

    a) He posts his 95 Theses in Castle Church (Schlosskirche Gate) it was in 1517.
    b) The Edict of Worms was a decree issued by emperor Charles V that prohibits the writings of Martin Luther, considered a heretic and enemy of the state. The edict, published on May 25 in 1521, in the city of Worms, in southwest Germany, was the culmination of a constant fight between Martin Luther and the Roman Catholic Church on reform, particularly the sale of indulgences.
    c) The first german prince to become protestant was Carlos V.
    d) The name of the ex-nun was Caterina Von Bora.
    e) He became head of the Church because the pope he denied the annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII was supreme head of the Church of England and pursued them both Catholics and Protestants. in 1534.
    f) It was the Council of Trent, was convened by Paulo III in 1545 and completed by Pío IV in 1563.

  4. Coral Segovia Galindo 2ºB22 February 2014 at 09:24

    a) He posts his 95 Theses in Castle Church (Gate Schlosskirche) in 1517.
    b) The Edict of Worms was a decree issued by emperor Charles V that prohibits the writings of Martin Luther and label heretic and enemy of the state, was published on May 25, 1521, in the city of Worms, in southwest Germany, was the culmination of a constant fight between Martin Luther and the Roman Catholic Church on reform, particularly the sale of indulgences.
    c) The first German prince to become protestant was Ferdinand III of Saxony (son of Ernesto of Saxony)
    d) He married with the ex-nun Caterina Von Bora.
    e) Henry VIII was closely linked to Catholicism but when the Pope refused the annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, founded the Church of England and persecuted both Catholics and Protestants, in 1534.
    f) It was the Council of Trent, which was called by Paul III in 1545 and completed in 1563 by Pius IV.

  5. Alex Moreno Villanueva 2ºB23 February 2014 at 03:02

    1: Wittenberg Palace Church. In 1517.
    2: Luther was declared a heretic and a fugitive, thus breaking the Lutheranism became official with the Catholic Church.
    3: Fernando 3 of Saxony.
    4: Catarina von Bohra.
    5: Proceedings of separation from the Church of Rome, to his appointment as supreme head of the Church of England, the 1535 Acts of Union 1542, which united England and Wales as one nation, the Buggery Act of 1533, the first legislation sodomy in England and the witchcraft Act of 1542, which punished with death witchcraft.
    6: Pablo 3.

  6. Miguel Moya. 2º A25 February 2014 at 06:49

    a) On which church did Martin Luther post his 95 Theses?
    On the doors of Wittenberg Palace’s church
    When exactly?
    On 31th October 1531

    b) What was the Edict of Worms?
    This Edict was proclaimed on 25th May 1521 for the new Emperator Carlos V. Here, they asked to Martin that if he reaffirmed his 95 Theses, he said no and after, he said “I can not do anything, this is my position! God help me!” and he disappeared.
    In this edict, Lutero was declared an heretic and a fugitive, because he don’t wanted to tell that his Theses were falses.

    c) Who was the first German prince to become protestant in 1525?
    I think that the first protestant prince in 1525 was Carlos V, but I don’t sure.

    d) Luther married an ex-nun, what was her name?
    Catalina von Bora

    e) In England, for which Acts did Henry VIII become the Head of the Church of England?
    He became the Head of the Church of England because he caused the break with the Roman Catholic Church, because he did not agree with the Catholic laws, especially concerning about the marriages.
    In 1534

    f) Between 1545 and 1563, there was an important Council in the Catholic Church.
    Which Pope convened this Council?

    This was the Council of Trent that it was convened for Paulo III

  7. a)In the church of Palacio de Wittenberg.

    b)A text to joke of the church of Rome.

    c)the first was Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany

    d)Her name was Catalina de Bora.

    e)One wanted to get divorced from his wife and the catholic church didn´t allow it to him.In 1533.

    f)The Council of Trento.He was Pablo III.

    Some questions to improve your knowledge about the Reformation:
    a) On which church did Martin Luther post his 95 Theses? When exactly?
    Martin published in the church door in Wittenberg his 95 theses against the sale of indulgences for sins Luther in October 31, 1517.
    b) What was the Edict of Worms?
    The Edict of Worms was proclaimed on May 25, 1521 by the newly elected Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles V, and Cardinal Girolamo Aleandro, papal nuncio, against Luther, after the episode of the Diet of Worms in the early process known as the Protestant Reformation. It declared a fugitive and Luther as a heretic, thus breaking the Lutheranism became official with the Catholic Church.
    c) Who was the first German prince to become protestant in 1525?
    He was Carlos V, (I thinks).
    d) Luther married an ex-nun, what was her name?
    Her wife was named Catalina de Bora.
    e) In England, for which Acts did Henry VIII become the Head of the Church of England? when?
    The break with the Roman Catholic Church, the dissolution of the monasteries and the union of England with Wales, in year 1534.
    f) Between 1545 and 1563, there was an important Council in the Catholic Church. Which Pope convened this Council?
    This Pope was Paolo III.

  9. Answer c) Federico III de Sajonia
    Answer e) the Acts of Supremacy

    Well done!


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