Guess who this person was and answer some questions about him: 

1. He was the king of ..........
2. Which was the name of his wife? Who was his father?
3. Do you know the names of his brothers?
4. Which were the names of his sons and daughters?
5. Once he died, which territories did his sons and daughters receive? 
6. Do you think his sons and daughters got along well with each other? 
7. Did El Cid know this person?


  1. Just a clue: the king's brother-in-law was called Bermudo III

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  4. 1) He was the King of Leon
    2) His wife was Doña Sancha and his father was Sancho Garcés III of Pamplona (Sancho III El Mayor)
    3) His brothers were Ramiro I of Aragón, García Sánchez III of Nájera and Gonzalo I of Ribagorza.
    4) His sons were Alfonso VI of Leon, Sancho of Castile and Garcia of Galicia and his daughters were Elvira of Toro and Urraca of Zamora.
    5) As I said before, Sancho corresponded the County of Castile; Alfonso corresponded the Kingdom of León; García received the Kingdom of Galicia and Urraca and Elvira corresponded them the cities of Zamora and Toro.
    (I have done 6 and 7 together)
    I think not, because when his father died, the older children agreed to take his brother 's kingdom García Galicia. Then fought between them to keep all the kingdom. Whoever won was Sancho, thanks to the military aid of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, which has since received the name of "El Cid " . Sancho imprisoned his brother in jail. After Sancho laid siege to the city of Zamora, and then killed a knight. El Cid (who worked for him) Alfonso had to release from prison and became Alfonso VI of León and Castile. His sister Urraca was happy, and the nobles of Leon, Galicia and Portugal agreed to Alfonso, but part of the Spaniards demanded that the new king swore in the church of Santa Gadea, who had nothing to do with the murder of his brother. Take charge of the oath was Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, which will not much like the king. So Alfonso VI banished him. To banish, this allied with the kingdom of Zaragoza and he help the Moors, which they called "Sidi". The Moor Wheel mayor ambushed Alfonso, and the king lifted the exile to Cid. Several years of continuous wars between the Moors and Christians, after which, El Cid had they become a peninsular power, which contrasted with the military failures of King Alfonso VI, who lost to the city of Lisbon. In the end, Rodrigo Valencia regained himself, and ruled there until 1099 (the year of his death).

    I saw a link that I found quite interesting:

    Ainoa Carnicero Ruiz, 2ºB

  5. Miguel Moya. 2º A5 February 2014 at 14:17

    1. He was the king of León (Fernando I de León)
    2. Which was the name of his wife? Sancha Who was his father? Sancho Garcés III of Pamplona
    3. Do you know the nanmes of his brothers? Ramiro I of Aragón, García Sánchez III of Nájera and Gonzalo I of Ribagorza.
    4. Wich were the names of his sons and daughters? Sancho, Alfonso, García, Urraca and Elvira.
    5. Once he died, wich territories did his sons and daughters receive?
    Sancho: the Crow od Castile
    Alfonso: the Kingdom of León
    García: the Kingdom of Galicia
    Urraca: the Kingdom of the city of Zamora
    Elvira: the Kingdom of the city of Toro
    6. Do you think his sons and daughters got along well with each other?
    These brothers had a bad relation with each other about the territories received, except Urraca with Alfonso.
    7. Did El Cid know this person?
    Yes, when El Cid was 10 years old, worked for his son Sancho.

  6. 1- He was the king Fernando I of León.
    2- Which was the name of his wife? Her name was Sancha of León. Who was his father? He was Sancho Garcés III de Pamplona, (el Mayor).
    3- Do you know the names of his brothers? Which were the names of his sons and daughters? His sons are: Urraca de Zamora, Elvira, Alfonso, Sancho and García.
    4- Once he died, which territories did his sons and daughters receive?
    Sancho inherited Castile, Alfonso, the kingdom León, Elvira inherited the lordship of the city of Toro and Urraca of Zamora's.
    5- Do you think his sons and daughters got along well with each other?
    No, by disputes over territories.
    6- Did El Cid know this person?
    El Cid if met Fernando I de León, as a child entered the service of one of his sons.

  7. Gema Esteso 2º B9 February 2014 at 10:38

    a) He was the king of León.
    b) his wife is Sancha de León and his father is Sancho Garcés lll de Pamplona.
    c) García, Fernando and Ramiro.
    d) Urraca, Sancho, Alfonso, Elvira and García.
    e) Alfonso ( King of León), Sancho (King of Castilla) and García (King of Galicia), Urraca (Zamora) and Elvira (Toro).
    f) No, I don't.
    g) Yes, He did.

  8. sandra zarco 2ºb10 March 2014 at 11:18

    1:He was the king of León.
    2:His wife is sancha of Leon and his father is Sancho Garcés |||.
    3:The García. Ramiro and Fernando.
    4:Elvira , Garcia, Sancho,Alfonso and Urraca.
    5:Sancho the king of castilla, Alfonso the king of león,Elvira the keen of Toro,and the Urraca the king of Zamora.
    6: No I don't.
    7:Yes he did.


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