On 27th November it will be, 922 years ago, when a person made the most influential speech of the Middle Ages. He finishes his speech crying: 'Deus Vult!" or "God wills it!". You can see some information about this event in the former video (from the second 00:35 until the end)

a) Who was that person?

b) What began with that cry?

c) How many of these campaigns do you know? Which one was the most famous? Why?


  1. Luis Arcas Morcillo 2º ED31 May 2017 at 11:17

    Hi everyone! Here are my answers:
    a) The author of that speech was the Pope Urban II
    b) That cry led to the beginning of the Crusades in order to conquer the Holy Land.
    c) There were nine crusades in total, but the most important one was the Third Crusade, because the King of England (Richard the Lionheart), France (Philip Augustus) and the Emperor of the Holy Germanic Empire (Frederick Barbarossa) participated on them. They conquered Acre, but failed in Jerusalem


  2. A) Pope Urban II
    B) The first crusade
    C) First: Christian Victory
    Monday: Muslim Victory
    Third: Muslim Victory
    Fourth: Creation of the Latin Empire
    Thursday: Muslim Victoria
    Friday: Muslim Victory
    Seventh: Muslim Victory
    Eighth: Status quo ante bellum
    Novena: Muslim Victory

  3. Alba Carnicero Ruiz, 2º-D3 June 2017 at 07:06

    a) He is Pope Urban II, and was the Pope number 159 of the Catholic Church, between 1088 to 1099. He is known for his preaching of the First Crusade (1095-1099) for the recovery of the Holy Land, then under Muslim rule, although he died before the culmination of it with the capture of Jerusalem.
    b) With this cry, the First Crusade began.
    c) The crusades were military campaigns to defend the cross (the symbol of Christianity) and to conquer the Holy Land. In the 12th and 13th centuries, there were several crusades. The most important was the Third Crusade (1189-1192, also called “Crusade of Kings”), in which the King of England (Richard the Lionheart), participated; The King of France (Philip II); and the Emperor of the Holy Germanic Empire, (Frederick Barbarossa, who drowned before arriving). His goal was to conquer the Holy Land from Saladin. They succeeded in conquering Acre, but they lost Jerusalem. There were nine crusades.

  4. Jesús segovia 2*B5 June 2017 at 07:17

    A) urbano II
    B) empezaron las cruzadas
    C) hubo 8 cruzadas, La cuarta cruzada ( 1202-1204 ) impulsada por el papa Inocencio III se encaminaba a egipto pero los venecianos la dirigieron contra el Imperio bizantino. Tras la conquista de Constantinopla, los cruzados crearon el Imperio latino de oriente, que duro casi cincuenta años ( 1204-1261 )

  5. a urbano II B Las cruzadas c hubo 8 y la primera fue la mas importante porque tomaron Constantinopla y Jerusalén.

  6. correction: the most important was the third


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