This video offers you a part of an opera by Verdi. This opera has something to do with our following unit: a) Tell me about the plot of this opera. b) Why are the slaves singing? Who was the king who captured them? c) Why was important Mesopotamia? What was the meaning of Mesopotamia? d) See this video 4 and answer these: d.1. Definition of empire. d.2. Tell me the name of the first Akkadian emperor. How many years did Sargon rule? d.3. What did the Akkadians borrow from Sumer? d.4. Who made the first code of laws? In which Mesopotamian empire? d.5. Who created the first Postal service in the world? d.6. The Mesopotamians known by their military achievements were the ... d.7 Who created the first sun-dial (sun calendar)? e) Give me the name of a Persian emperor. Which country is nowadays Persia?